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What annoyed you today?

Prince Myshkin

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What could annoy me more than my cat ripping open my lip today? Hmmm, lets see...


I try to get in my car to go home, but by remote key didn't work. The battery in the key is dead. And since the car won't start without the remote key switching off the alarm (doesn't matter if you stick your key in the door), I needed to replace the battery. So I replace the battery in the remote key, and guess what, it still doesn't work. So I'm stranded at work until hubby can go home, fetch my spare key, and then drive it down to me. Mmmmph. Hopefully that one will work, otherwise I'm screwed.

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I am working temporarily for a company. It's just me and this other woman in an office. When it's dinner time she has to lock up. I'm not allowed to be locked in as it's against fire safety and I'm not allowed a key of my own as I'm temporary staff. I bring my own lunch to work and so this means I need to find somewhere that when it's raining not only provides shelter but also allows you to eat your own food there. Given the options close to my work I am left with one option. A bridge.


Today I had my dinner sheltering from the rain, stood under a bridge watching cars go by. 1 hour. Like a fucking troll.



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^that sucks man


I just got a phone call they need me into work because no one can cover. Yet they already know I have an internship. I also didn't get a lot of sleep last night so I'm not really in the mood to have to go in. At least i'll only be there like 2-3 hours.

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Ewww :stunned:


We have a wasps nest just outside our front window. It looks scary. Like a pale sweet potato, just hanging there.

Argh yes, I know how creepy these things look like! I hope they don't sting you :(

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