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Will Life is For Living be re-released?


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They have been performing that song at every gig, and it has been connected each time with Charlie Brown. Makes me wonder. I loved it on Everythings Not Lost. but they didnt even sing it after ENL during glastonbury. LIFL doesnt really go with Charlie Brown (IMO).


PS- i love the live version much beter than the version that was on Parachutes.






EDIT: Looks like i was right... For Japan at least. and you people doubted me :)

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Why would they do that?


No, there's no point in re-releasing any of those songs except if they release a greatest hits or something. They just played it, which was great, but that doesn't mean anything, it doesn't even mean they'll keep it on their setlist once the album tour starts.

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nooo, it was on the DVD but not the CD. :sad:


now why in the world would they NOT put it on the cd yet have it on the DVD?? I would love to hear the official explanation on that one. As if it were so incredibly difficult to just go ahead and add another couple minutes on the cd, i mean really. I bet it was some marketing a-hole or label "agreement."

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That its been played doesnt mean that it'll be on the album!! If so, then we would see every other song they've played on there as well. Yellow, In My Place, Lost!, Cemeteries of London, GPASUYF (hey it must be true because it's a new version..), The Scientist, Politik, and so on.. Would leave no space for new songs :p

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