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I completely agree.




The first album I "got" was In Rainbows, I hadn't heard any of their songs so I downloaded it free. I didn't really like it much but I wanted so desperately to be a fan that I pretended I liked them all and said so just to try to convince myself. Then I got The Bends and after falling in love I listened again to In Rainbows and suddenly I actually liked it.



at least you're being honest about being a poseur Radiohead fan at first.

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i'm finding more and more that this section of CPing, World of Music is becoming a place for former CP fans to "cool off" as they lose interest in the band they once loved. most of us who do post here regularly i'm sure joined this thread as a hardcore crazy CP fan but as the years have drawn on and the bands worldwide popularity reached enormous heights we have started to find them a little less interesting and exciting. i'm writing this mostly from personal experience but also from alot of friends i've made from World of Music who like me joined CPing as huge fans of the boys but are now more interested in other acts. now i'm not implying that CP are a crap band, i still have alot of respect for them (otherwise i would not of paid $120 to go see them) but i think, i like alot of you have discovered a "world of music" outside of coldplay. which is just as good if not better at times.



Well put Jamie. I mean like you I paid around $150 to see them. And it was a blast. They're fun to watch. And they're fun to listen to every once in a while. Doesn't mean I hate them or anything, just my musical horizons have broadened a little bit. I think its healthy for people to listen to more than just one genre or a few select bands.


Hey Nina, ella, briggs, everyone! Are we still having a rh party on friday or have we changed of plans? :wacky:



Btw, i'm addicted to ammesiac now :wacko:


We were having a party? haha

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I like the kids "ya!" the best.

And also love the ectetera part. Which my siggy shows.


Hmm! i loved the way he changed it round a bit, kept repeating etcetera for longer than usual.


strange performance....so unlike them in some ways, i cant quite put my finger on it, but in others it was just purely them, with trying a different angle, thom going into his weird, posessed performing mode. i'm not precious at all about them performing at the grammys either, its great for them, they should take these opportunities when it suits them, they have earned this worldwide reputation, they should show off with it sometimes, like that. something a bit eccentric from what everyone else is doing.

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Thanks for the intelligent responses, guys. If I had posted this on a Radiohead forum, I feel that it's likely that I would have been bashed a lot by now. :uhoh2: I probably should try listening to Kid A all the way through without distractions when I get the chance.



listen to/watch the live recordings of the Kid A/Amnesiac songs



been watching this today :) I love this gig (didn't need to say that, really :p)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-6FCfhatQE]YouTube - [HD] Radiohead - Later with Jools 2001 [Full.. almost][/ame]

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I love the ectetera part. Also when Thom holds the last note (when he says "string") in such an epic way. The marching band doing the "yeah!" sound was awesome too. I know a lot of people didn't like it, but I personally think the whole performance was epic.


listen to/watch the live recordings of the Kid A/Amnesiac songs



been watching this today :) I love this gig (didn't need to say that, really :p)

- [HD] Radiohead - Later with Jools 2001 [Full.. almost]


Whoa, I didn't know people could put such big, long, high quality vids on YouTube. :stunned: I'll check that out.

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been posted?



Radiohead have given clearance for their track “MK 1” to be used in a advert for US charity The National Coalition for the Homeless free of charge.


Despite the band’s well-known adversity to the licensing of their songs for adverts, they allowed the charity to use the track in its new advertising campaign as they felt it was for a noble cause.


To watch the short film click here





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Do any of you guys post on a Radiohead message board... Like, say, At Ease?

I'm an ateaser but i hardly ever post, just leech from the media section and request a few rarities from time to time :P

Oh and i love reading their wacky threads when i'm bored, that's the best haha


Well, I'd love to have it but my cousin's celebrating her birthday tomorrow so I won't be home. Maybe next weekend?


Sound good to me and have fun ninaaaa! I might have my little rh party anyway haha :wacko:

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I'm an ateaser but i hardly ever post, just leech from the media section and request a few rarities from time to time :P

Oh and i love reading their wacky threads when i'm bored, that's the best haha




Sound good to me and have fun ninaaaa! I might have my little rh party anyway haha :wacko:


You're very gifted at using the "wacko" smiley.

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I do sometimes post on Atease but really really rarely I'm Napalm there. I have a lot of fun there sometimes, though reading the crazy threads in the classics section, though :p


I have quite a few good laughs in the classics section. I think they're all a bit more severe over there. In their humor and in their attitudes. Though that can be a double edged sword. They get nasty. Since I'm a transplant from here, I expect everybody to be nice... Not so :D

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