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Which is smellier... York or Jersey?


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New York City smells like butt. I don't know what the rest of the state smells like. We drove through basically all of the city and every single part of it smelled like rotting garbage. Mostly because there was rotting garbage everywhere.


Wherever I was in New Jersey didn't smell so bad. The air was just hard to breathe. x_x


But I'm just a li'l ol' West Virginian; what do I know? Our largest cities (which really don't compare to major cities in America) never smell like garbage. And also, there aren't usually random people sleeping on the street. This one guy wasn't moving and didn't really look like he was breathing, and nobody did anything about it. I mean, we didn't either, but, you know, when in Rome...


I still enjoyed both the trips, though. lol.

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Going with Jersey. As soon as you get on the Garden State Thruway and get close to around Jersey City or Giants Stadium it smells bad. It's mostly because the Meadowlands are all full of marshes. And also the air is usually thick too.



But I will say that NY does have a smell in some parts. Mostly the West Side Highway at a certain point (since there's a sewage treatment center in a certain area), and also near the Triboro Bridge (now the RFK Bridge)... I think that is near a marshy kind of area perhaps.


But still overall I say Jersey smells worse... mainly just the northern section of it.

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NY and NJ are pretty much the same. Some people who live in NY work in NJ and vice-versa. They both smell bad but I think NJ smells better than NY (which is not a good standard)


And I don't think all big cities are smelly, Montreal, Vancouver, Seattle and Chicago are not smelly. Chicago has some dirty parts but it's not huge, it's a clean city.

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New York City smells like butt. I don't know what the rest of the state smells like. We drove through basically all of the city and every single part of it smelled like rotting garbage. Mostly because there was rotting garbage everywhere.


Wherever I was in New Jersey didn't smell so bad. The air was just hard to breathe. x_x


But I'm just a li'l ol' West Virginian; what do I know? Our largest cities (which really don't compare to major cities in America) never smell like garbage. And also, there aren't usually random people sleeping on the street. This one guy wasn't moving and didn't really look like he was breathing, and nobody did anything about it. I mean, we didn't either, but, you know, when in Rome...


I still enjoyed both the trips, though. lol.


you never go into the total pollution of Rome.


I come from, south. Sicily's is one of the dirtiest places in the world, and lot of drought. but people living of the vineyard

when you know that this city is called "Cats and Dogs" my parents fled the country to emigrate to Swiss.

is not the most friendly city. people are boorish and leaves people hungry cats and dogs. often died in the road is really horrible.

I guess if is a God, have wicked sense of humor said the city's dogs and cats


I can understand NY & NJ It's the same but on large area .


but so true depends what part of the state

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Depends on what part of Jersey your from :P What really smells are those morons from Jersey Shore -_-


Hahahahaha so true! :wacky: And the ones that wish they were on/at Jersey Shore (tv show/place :P) and are orange in the winter. :awesome:


I've been to NYC and Newark, and the worst part of both are those little cars/kiosks in NYC that sell pretzels (or whatever they were selling), it really stinks! :uhoh: And the Newark subway :|


Subways in general smell. :nod: Can't say I've been on the Newark one though, but I know that the DC and NYC trains/subways smell pretty awful. :|

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Subways in general smell. :nod: Can't say I've been on the Newark one though, but I know that the DC and NYC trains/subways smell pretty awful. :|


I traveled in the DC metro a bunch of times a few summers ago and I don't remember it smelling bad :uhoh: It's the only subway I've ever been in. I loved it :wacky:

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