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I'm moving to USA!


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The lower peninsula of Michigan looks like a mitten. So I can hold up my hand to look like a mitten and point to a certain spot on my hand and say "I live here". :wacko:







oooh. :surprised:






Texas looks like a hand making an L shape.


And Oklahoma looks like a hand pointing in one direction.


So Michigan isn't the only one.



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Wisconsin is a Hand, Lower Michigan is a Mitten Rudy! ;)

And D.C. is not so large because it's an area designated to be 10 miles square (there's a stone marking the corner of each mile), a little less than that from land returned to Virginia, but the metro area's population is on the order of 5.6 million or so. Basically a city designed to be a capitol, by French architect L'Enfant based on cities like Paris, Milan, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe, now there's one to look up!:stunned:

There's so much to see! I would definitely recommend the Air and Space Museum, the Smithsonian, John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and all the grand monuments. And you'll never see it all - there's a lot to see in DC! Georgetown is upscale, if you're into fancy stores and fancy places, some areas need a little fixing up and an economic boost though, it's like any big city - quite a mix!

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Regarding the whole New York, Washington D.C. area I have a tiny question... is it too cold to go there at the end of december-start of january? Would you say it is definitely better to go there around July?


My parents and I want to do a 10 day trip around that area... I'd like to go in December, but my father thinks it is just too cold to actually enjoy it. :thinking:

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It's not like an unbelievably huge city...pretty normal sized, I think. :P All I remember from when I visited the museums, though, was how badly my feet ached every night. XD It's a really amazing place. :wacky:


It's great to hear from you, too! :nice: I haven't talked to you in forever. :P


I read that its population is more than 5 million people, that is almost twice the population of Uruguay and 3 times the population of Montevideo (Uruguay's capital) :lol:


It seems that there are a lot of museums to visit, i'll try to visit the most of them!


That's true, we haven't talked since a long time ago! :P

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Regarding the whole New York, Washington D.C. area I have a tiny question... is it too cold to go there at the end of december-start of january? Would you say it is definitely better to go there around July?


My parents and I want to do a 10 day trip around that area... I'd like to go in December, but my father thinks it is just too cold to actually enjoy it. :thinking:

Well, that depends on what you consider "too cold". It's cold enough to snow at any time in December/January in that area. Almost always below freezing (32F/0C). I'm not sure, but I'd say the average temperature is more like 23F/-5C.

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If your going to NYC you'll have to pass me first :awesome: I'm in NJ....i'm like a 100 mile radius near those Jersey Shore rejects -__-




It does get cold around here, but not that bad....with the occasional blizzard

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Look inside your freezer, and in there is the weather in December and January. Actually worse!:laugh3: Nah, it's not that bad on the coastal side, least not so cold. Bring really warm mittens or gloves, really warm socks, and a nice warm hat. A warm coat too. If you're climate is kinda mild, it might be a bit of a surprise at first.. wear thermal underwear.;)

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Thank you for the info guys... :)


Would you say then, the weather is kind of bad for going out/walking/visiting museums/making tourism? Our plan is to visit 3-4 cities (this includes Niagara falls) in 5-6 days so we're supposed to be active during that time. :thinking:

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Thank you for the info guys... :)


Would you say then, the weather is kind of bad for going out/walking/visiting museums/making tourism? Our plan is to visit 3-4 cities (this includes Niagara falls) in 5-6 days so we're supposed to be active during that time. :thinking:


If you're prepared then it shouldn't be a problem.

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i always thought you were older


well.. i'm not


Washington D.C.? CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It is an awesome city! I have been there a couple of times and the only thing I can tell you is that you're extremely lucky!!! If you want, I can recommend you some places...


Thanks!! Yeah I know!! I still can't believe this, i'm so excited that I can't pay attention in class :lol:


Please recommend me some places!! I want to know the most of it while i'm there!

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NMAH | Kermit the Frog Comes Home to Washington[/url]

I am assuming you know that the Muppets are from DC?:wacko:


Thanks! I will! My father told me that the museums are free there, is that true?


And I didn't know that! Thanks for the info! :D

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