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I lied


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Come on Reilly it's OK, he didn't mean to be mean. He was kidding.

now it's Christmas time, Peace on Earth, War is over :wacky:


That's the kindof attitude that allows people never to learn and continue writing stupid crap without realising the consequence of what they're doing. He's called girls 'bitch' before and clearly they didn't like it, so congratulations on making him think it's still alright.


Oh and bah humbug.

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Nice to see the point flew about 3 miles over your head.


Bitch, my head is waaaaaaaaaaaay up in the clouds for that to flow over it. :charming:

So you actually think I missed the point? Oh my... :lol:


Nevermind, I LOVE YOU ALL. The War is over, REJOICE! Rebuilt your houses and impregnate your womens, we need to repopulate the world...

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