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I might buy a fox

Matter-Eater Lad

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or was I flirting?









Or am I just home sick bored?











or all 3?

















What was I talking about?


I think I might be in love with you. Do you think Ron Paul will let it happen?


you two are cute.

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:dazzled: :awesome: :dazzled: :awesome: :dazzled: :awesome: :dazzled: :awesome: :dazzled: :awesome: :dazzled: :awesome:


Your not going to stalk me now because I know what it is?


(shame the show got canceled, was really enjoying it- was pretty fresh along side stuff like Cleveland and what The Simpsons have become).

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Alright! Do whatever you want with your money but I wouldn't pay this much for any pets. It's overpriced! There are charities that help feed hungry kids, assaulted kids, raped etc...

I personally would not "buy" a pet for more than 50$. In my city, you can adopt a dog or a cat for 20$ via the SPCA.

480$ can make a HUGE difference in some people life. It can provide clean water, school supplies, medications to many children who live in not so good environments.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that 500$ is too much to pay for a pet. And even though your intentions are good, I think the seller is trying to make a profit.


I think there are lots of richs to give to poors children only not give much :(







So I paid 300frs . I am a poor person but if it were 1000frs I also paid to save the kitten. her name is Maya. the owner had put out did not give to eat or when she was at home only . she wanted to get rid of her cat . She was violent schizophrenia. I decided to adopted her cat. and I learned she was hospitalized after .


me I do not calculate the money to save a living being. I knew in advance that the kitten did not survive to another owner. people involved as it suits them to keep a pet treated as things. but for me it is a responsibility. animals are so intelligents and have to respect them.




[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWXigjFm4TM]Cat soothing crying baby to sleep - too cute! - YouTube[/ame]


Maya is traumatized for the life, she was thin, can be beaten but she is afraid of everything but now is safe and has a lot of love as an adopted baby.

but I let my cat to my parents. the day I live in a tiny studio, and still unemployed. but I know she is happy have 4 bedroom space and my parents adore cats. I know she is happy and I could not separate the two cats. Norska cat of my parents.


l could take my Maya with me in my apart but not possible and God miss much

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