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This guy changed my life


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I really think people are missing the point of the thread, its not about how this man's will power and determination has seen him through tough times that many people wouldn't have the strength to carry on through, it's about whether his religion is correct or not.





It's also about telling others they are child brainwashers and they hate gays. Even when they blatantly explain why they don't - watch out - that's just a trap! They still do hate gays so make sure you keep attacking them and NEVER admit you may have been wrong!

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It's also about telling others they are child brainwashers and they hate gays. Even when they blatantly explain why they don't - watch out - that's just a trap! They still do hate gays so make sure you keep attacking them and NEVER admit you may have been wrong!


Yes, that is what I said.

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Just to make it clear I am completely aware of the hypocrisy of that joke in the fact that I got entangled in the same debate, but that's part of the joke, and sadly why Brent's probably facepalming reading these debates.


I have facepalmed a couple times, but I knew the consequences of posting a thread like this. And this forum has aptly provided me with a hand-shaped indent covering the front of my cranium. So it's cool :nice:

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^I'd agree. I consider myself an agnostic atheist, and I used to hate these pretentious terms for religious beliefs that are practically hipster, but for the most part I believe that there most likely isn't a God, but a small part of me wants to be open minded towards the belief that I have no idea, there are things in this world that can't be explained by science.


Some would argue that even having the belief of the slightest thought that there may be a God negates the idea of atheism in itself, but I don't see it that way, being an atheist does not mean that there is an idea of challenging proof that there is no God, instead relying on the fact that there is no proof.

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I think part of being an atheist is actively pulling people away from religion, which to me has always been ironic because it's the exact thing they're condemning.


I know a lot about science, and the only thing I can definitively say is that we don't know shit. The only thing I've really found is that the more we learn, the more we don't know. God/the idea of God is an enigma, and I really don't think you can prove or disprove it. Yes, you can make the argument that it's really really unlikely, but the bottom line is that you can't disprove it.


All I know about religion is that we're doing it wrong. If an inherently good person, under "God's" watch, can be victimized over and over again based on a tiny part of his identity, can be victimized - That's not representative of a God I want in my life. NO religion has it right, and NO religion will ever have it right as long as we're mortal.

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I think that's pretty much the same thing as agnosticism. :|


^I'd agree. I consider myself an agnostic atheist, and I used to hate these pretentious terms for religious beliefs that are practically hipster, but for the most part I believe that there most likely isn't a God, but a small part of me wants to be open minded towards the belief that I have no idea, there are things in this world that can't be explained by science.


Some would argue that even having the belief of the slightest thought that there may be a God negates the idea of atheism in itself, but I don't see it that way, being an atheist does not mean that there is an idea of challenging proof that there is no God, instead relying on the fact that there is no proof.


Well, I wasn't even brought up with a religion. My dad is against organized religion entirely (I'm not exactly sure why, to be honest), and my mom doesn't really care for it. I would say 'secular' is when you're brought up without a religion, and 'agnostic' is when you were brought up with a religion and then later decide to stop following any religion.


I don't know. :shrug: Heck, I'm only thirteen.

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I think part of being an atheist is actively pulling people away from religion, which to me has always been ironic because it's the exact thing they're condemning.


I would have to disagree there, because there really is no part of being an atheist, there is no belief system to follow, and that's the point. So some atheists may choose to actively get involved with their opinions of religion and even attempt to pull people from it, but I think people just get so frustrated in the time, energy, and arguments/wars over time that we feel have been wasted on something pointless (I say "we" in the sense that while I have a slight belief there may be a God I certainly do not feel it is something that is concrete enough to worry about in this life as none of us have a clue, and I also definitely believe that if there is a God or omnipotent character, humans have not discovered it).


Well, I wasn't even brought up with a religion. My dad is against organized religion entirely (I'm not exactly sure why, to be honest), and my mom doesn't really care for it. I would say 'secular' is when you're brought up without a religion, and 'agnostic' is when you were brought up with a religion and then later decide to stop following any religion.


I don't know. :shrug: Heck, I'm only thirteen.


Fair enough, I don't know what I thought when I was 13.

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I think that's pretty much the same thing as agnosticism. :|


I would say 'secular' is when you're brought up without a religion.



I'm a secularist and I'm devoutly religious. Secularism is the belief that the church and state should be separate and not have anything to do with each other. The government should but out of religion and religion should but out of government. It's something I fully agree with.


Being a secularist doesn't make you agnostic, atheist or a theist. It's different all together because it deals with the issue of government's role in religion.

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I'm a secularist and I'm devoutly religious. Secularism is the belief that the church and state should be separate and not have anything to do with each other. The government should but out of religion and religion should but out of government. It's something I fully agree with.


Being a secularist doesn't make you agnostic, atheist or a theist. It's different all together because it deals with the issue of government's role in religion.


I wish I was smart like you :disappointed:

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Theism is simply believing in a God, one or more, so it's practically anything other then being Atheist, which isn't having any beliefs at all. I can't really remember whether Agnosticism counts as theist or not, which is the 'belief' that there is no way of knowing whether there is a God or not, but seeing as that looks at the possibility that there is a God I can see why some would consider it theist, as it's not Atheism, but on the other hand it isn't necessarily the belief that there is a God, just an open-mindedness to that idea.


Someone help a brother out.

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