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Fake acetates


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Ever wondered how easy it is to create acetate cd-r's and sell them on e-bay?

How will you know the difference if you don't have an original to compare a purchase?


1) First you need to purchase what seems to be a rare Coldplay promo.







2) Next you make a few copies but not too many and start selling them for a killing. Note the slight difference in CD-r used.






So Coldplayers don't pay over the odds for what seems to be a rare CD-r which can be easily reproduced.

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I think the examples given are two times the same CD-r. BUT I don't believe it's a genuine one. Tha tracklisting is way too weird for that. They'd never put Ode to deodorant on that. And if someone has the CD and listens to it, Ode will probably be the same mp3 version that floats around here, no HQ version

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maybe yes. the only high quality version of ode to deo is the one contained in the cds used for recording the ode to deo cassettes. There are 3 or 4 of them around the world i suppose, and they seems to have a high quality definition.


avoid the disc in your picture anyway. It's a fake, quite sure.

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If you're talking about cagamandurio or whatever, he's quite trustable. I bought some stuff off him through the years and they were always genuine and generally in good condition. But that acetate in particular is just one big rip-off. I mean the tracklisting is Ode, then the Safety EP, and then Brothers and Sisters. So were talking about a period of 1 year, in which they released and EP and a single. Why didn't they just make an acetate of either one of those? This one is just all those songs piled together. If you ask me, that does not make any sense

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I never trusted him that much to be honest, I don't how he manages to always have 389753745 copies of any of the latest single promos, Christmas Lights included.


And I smelled fake as soon as I saw this auction


Yes Denise, He may sell some legit stuff but I'm affraid he seems to be selling multiple copies of the most rarest of CD-r's. Look at the Radiohead 'rarities' promo he keeps selling.

Fortunately I didn't pay over the odds for the CD I bought.

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Yes, I'm talking about him, he has three Christmas Lights promos on ebay right now :inquisitive:


It doesn't help that the current batch of promo's are paper sleeves and not made of card. Unless you can see the CD manufacturer on an genuine promo, you're never going to tell what you have.

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This guy is actually really good. He's been fooled by bootlegs and false acetates before, but if you let him know, he usually promptly removes them or changes the description detail of the listing. I've bought several verified genuine (and rare) pieces from him. Just avoid his handwritten acetates unless you're positive; that's where his poor purchase-resell decisions can be readily seen. Definitely a well intended seller, tho.


Like doritji said, I wouldn't go near the acetate posted above. Makes no sense that BMG was involved w/CP in regards to any distribution of Safety or Ode tracks. Also RARELY trust a production acetate with the CD-R logo on its face.

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  • 2 years later...

Not all "hand written" CD-R acetates are fake. Here is a good example that was on eBay not too long ago. It is a copy of the Brothers & Sisters acetate. Because it is hand written on the disc hardly anyone was bidding. I did some research and found out how to authenticate this copy. This is one of Coldplay's first acetates with Parlophone and the company who produced it is "HHB Professional Recording Media". HHB uses only proprietary Discs with HHB in the center of the disc. By doing this research I won a very rare early, original Coldplay acetate for a very low price.

Just do your homework and in the end if your gut tells you it's a fake... don't buy it.


<a href=ColdplayCollection002_zps150807ba.jpg' a

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...


I was watching this one myself. I've looked around and can't find a match. I have a 500+ release Coldplay Discography and the only one listed is my copy, the Parlophone copy. I'm not sure. The one thing it has going for it is the CD itself. A true blank CD is hard to come by. When you buy a blank CD in the store it will have a manufactures name on it like "SONY" or "Memorex" also the print looks good. I've seen some done on an HP "Light Scribe". This was not. It was pro silk screened. Look to see if you can find any other Fierce Panda promos from 1999 and see if they look alike. After all that.... Go with your gut!


Another way to look at it... If you like it.... buy it.

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I did research on the questioned Brothers and Sisters promo on the previous page in this thread. I google imaged "Firece Panda acetate promo CD" and there were about 6 different Fierce Panda acetate promos pictured. All of them had the Fierce Panda logo on the LEFT HAND side of the CD not the bottom. After my research I would say not for sure a fake but I would not buy it.


Anyone agree or beg to differ?

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