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This bitch cray


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Obviously, after graduation in like 2 months, I won't be speaking to her anymore. She thinks I'm going to school in California, when actually I'm going to be in St. Louis.

Why would you say that ???? :wreck: She might be stalking you on here too :uhoh:

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She could be. But I'm not scared of you. HEAR ME




But seriously I'm pretty sure she's not because it would have come up in some dramatic way. Or she's so full of vanity that she'd think it wasn't her.

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I swear that's already been posted in here...


I'm pretty sure that's me. :lol: I've already warned him but apparently he didn't take that into account :snobby:

She could be. But I'm not scared of you. HEAR ME




But seriously I'm pretty sure she's not because it would have come up in some dramatic way. Or she's so full of vanity that she'd think it wasn't her.

I see. You think she would have talked to you about it, get all mad & crying and stuff ? I don't think she'd think it's not her, otherwise she would have come to you like "WHO IS THAT BITCH YOU KEEP TALKING ABOUT?!" :nod:

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I see. You think she would have talked to you about it, get all mad & crying and stuff ? I don't think she'd think it's not her, otherwise she would have come to you like "WHO IS THAT BITCH YOU KEEP TALKING ABOUT?!" :nod:


Haha, yeah probably.


The problem, I believe, is not that she's in love with me. That's impossible: there's no way I've spent enough time for her to even know my favorite color, let alone my hopes/fears/snoring problems. No, she's in love with the IDEA of me: someone she thinks can provide the love and attention the requires to function.


I think all people experience this (or there would be no drive to become emotionally entangled). However, in this case, she's letting it consume her.


Like, yes, I would love to find the person I'll be with forever, and yes, I'd love to have domestic bliss one day after I'm educated and my affairs are steady. I'm just not going to let that desire dehumanize me.


This is why I had pity and still respect her enough to acknowledge her presence (plus she gets unbearably LOUD when I don't). That, and I don't want to be shanked :nice:

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