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How can I relax during a test?


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...because I really can't. :\


I always had this problem and it's getting really annoying now.

Basically, during a test, despite I study hard, I start to feel anxious and I always end up to make some stupid mistakes. I tried to win this "fear" but I always failed.

So, any suggestions?


I never cared about testing during school at all. I was filled with arrogance and swagger and I'd walk in and accept my fate.


I'm in the process of joining the army and I've just started to get a little anxious now because if I fail it means I have to wait a long time and my career plans go down the drain.


So I prepare. Remember the six p's: Prior preparation prevents piss poor performance.


After that, I back myself and I'm not worried.


You mention that you still get anxious even if you have prepared and studied to the max. Then you are the type of person who is just naturally a little anxious and nervous in high stress environments. That's totally cool. Life is about playing up to your strengths and turning your weaknesses into strengths.


Try using the stress to help you. Get pumped up, get jumpy and nail the fuck out of that test and hit it hard. Own it. Show the nerdy ****s who examine you that you are better than they ever will be. Go mental. Fuck shit up.


That is my advice. Admit you are nervous and use it. Stop worrying about it. Admit it and use it.

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I have those issues but what tends to calm me down is to start from the last question of the test, making me feel like I'm nearly finished |: it doesn't make much sense but it works for me.

And yeah, just skip the hard ones, leave them for last.

An advice a doctor gave me once was to answer what I immediately thought was the right answer, like, the first option you feel like choosing.

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