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niamh <3 coldplay

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I used to practice ballet too!But it ended up because I cut my hair when I entered my high school.At that time I thought a dancer girl with short hair can't get the recognition.So I gave up.Now everytime I thought of the stupit decision I've made I just wanna jump into the river.


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^Please don't do that. :(

My mother used to be a balletdancer, and I wanted to do the same. But my best friend started to hockey, so I joined her. (which is really stupid, but I was 6.)

I really have regrets about that decision, but I had another love: the violin. I started playing when I was 5, and I still play it!

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Definitely ballet and contemporary, people don't realise how hard ballet is, you have to have a LOT of strength!! Especially male ballet dancers!:)


Now, THAT is considered a "sport". It takes dedication and practice, so yes! keep it up and good luck!


^Please don't do that. :(

My mother used to be a balletdancer, and I wanted to do the same. But my best friend started to hockey, so I joined her. (which is really stupid, but I was 6.)

I really have regrets about that decision, but I had another love: the violin. I started playing when I was 5, and I still play it!


Congratulations with the Violin!

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^ it's soo cool you play the violin!!!


i used to play football, but i quit a few years ago. i used to take dancing lessons...(cha cha and some cultural stuff) but i'm not really good at it and that was years ago!!! :p at the moment, i don't do much sport, unless you count running around to get stuff done a sport. :p


i play some instruments though....my fav are the drums....i've been playing since i was 10! :p :D

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