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Thankful Thread


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I'm sorry you're having a hard time. :(


I´m much better now.


This thanksgiving I am thankful for:



  • this year didnt suck so much
  • i made a buttload of friends that actually appreciate me
  • i lost weight and l00o0kin good
  • juan son
  • diana for rockin with me through 2012 and having a BlaSt from the Past
  • nobody in my family got sick (except for my cat)
  • im doing well in school
  • im still intouch with my best friends
  • i didnt fall inlove with anybody cause we all know that sUCKS huh
  • i was very happy this year, except for my cat dying which was the worst thing ever
  • oh also i went on vacation a lot
  • ok thats it
  • sorry



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^ that's good!


And nice list! :dance:



I'm thankful for a nice kitchen to use for preparing the Thanksgiving "feast". I'm thankful for Cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, apples, pumpkins...all the things that make it feel slightly more like fall.



And I'm also thankful to the person who invented tortillas! I love tortillas!

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Here in England we don't celebrate Thanksgiving but this year I am thankful for the wonderful opportunities I have had to see Coldplay and Kaiser Chiefs, two of my favourite bands. I'm thankful for my job because even though I hate it, I have a job and there aren't many job vacancies in England.

I'm thankful for my wonderful family and friends who I can't say how much I'm glad I've got them.

I'm thankful for my education, being able to study and better myself.

I'm thankful for simply just being healthy.

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No Thanksgiving here either

It feels weird posting in this thread after (albeit jokingly) brushing the thread idea off


So ummm I guess I'm thankful for not feeling scared overnight about the strong winds outside. Usually such gusts make me rather nervous and scared that I need to put earphones/music on to block out the sound so I'm less worried, alternatively I hide under the covers in bed... but not being scared by it and not having to do those things was a positive and encouraging feeling that cheered me up :nice:

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I'm thankful for all the people I've met on Coldplaying. Though some might find me a bit annoying and/or sensitive, the people here, for the most part, are very friendly. :) And while I have no friends to hang out with and talk to, I look forward to talking with people on here. :)

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I'm thankful for:

  • All of my family, friends, and fans, for their continuous support.
  • Frananthomeen
  • The letter “Q”
  • The fact that I told her how I feel for her and she still decides to talk and act friendly to me. (Don’t bother asking who.)
  • Being blessed with the most influential music I ever listened to. (Alex Lifeson, Asia, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, The Beatles, Cherri Bomb, Coldplay, David Bowie, Foo Fighters, Foxboro Hot Tubs, Frank Ocean, Gary Numan, Geddy Lee, Green Day, How to Destroy Angels, John Lennon, Masafumi Gotoh, Megadeth, Neil Peart, Nine Inch Nails, Paul Westerberg, The Police, Queensrÿche, Radiohead, The Replacements, Roger Waters, Rush, Smashing Pumpkins, Stewart Copeland, Ting Tings, Toadies, Tubeway Army, Weezer, Jack White, The White Stripes, Yellow Magic Orchestra)
  • Being blessed with the most awesome games I ever played, of course! (Animal Crossing, Crash Bandicoot classics, Kirby series, LittleBigPlanet 2, Mario Kart series, Sonic the Hedgehog, Spyro the Dragon classics, Super Smash Bros. series, Uncharted)
  • Being able to play and race with Jughead’s awesome Rich Petty Crew from 2009 to 2012. (Torus, I wouldn’t call off our rivalry!)
  • Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for the awesome technology I guess?
  • Everyone I ever met that has treated me so kind. Don’t worry, I treat them kind, too!
  • The Thanksgiving food, of course!
  • You for reading this.


Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating! Be safe!

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I'm thankful that I have a family that all have a job (which they love) and we have a place to sleep every night. I'm thankful that I have a choice between what I can eat every day, when a lot of people don't have an option at all. I'm thankful that I live in a country where I can make the choice to be whatever I like and I don't have to be persecuted or killed.


I'm thankful that my mom's business is doing fine so soon we can afford for everyone to have their own room to sleep in our flat. I'm thankful I have a brother-in-law now who's really nice and now our family's not too small anymore.


I'm thankful for all the music I listen to, cos it brings me a lot of joy and brings me through a lot, and the people who come along with discovering new music, because they really tend to be the kindest and funniest people you can find.


I'm thankful that I can get an education, and if I want to learn about just about anything, I can do it! For free! This was not the case hundreds of years ago, and even in different parts of the world now.


and idk other stuff

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