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Breaks in relationships… do they work?


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Hi guys,


Just a general question. Do you think short breaks in relationships work out?


For example if a couple are having a few hiccups and fights continuously, can a short break e.g. not seeing each other for however amount of time help in the long run? Or is it a lead up to an inevitable break up?



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It can. But it depends on each situation of course ... just a break doesn't sound good, you need that break for a reason and that's not that the relationship is not going well, but because during the break one or both can work on fixing what caused the break in the first place, like if one of them has issues (addiction/immature/still doubting if the ex is better/whatever), try fixing it. I have seen it work a few times, but also I have seen that it lead to a def. break up. But hey, if you or someone else feels it's needed, then that sounds like something is brewing and continuing in the same way doesn't sound like a good idea then either, right? Might be a slippery slope eitherway.

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It depends on what you actually do with the break. If you actually work on the issues that are causing a problem and/or re-evaluate what the whole relationship means and how you want it to work etc etc it could be pretty beneficial.


If one partner is gonna sit on their butt and not do anything about the issues though then you've got a problem.

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