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Why do girls.....!!!!


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Right, when you message them being fb, tinder anything g


Why do the ignore you when you know they seen the message


Just fucks me off.


Whether you know them or not


Isn't it a bit rude?


Just really fucking annoying

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Yeah but what if you send a message on facebook and see that they seen it, knowing it takes seconds or minutes to reply or say be back or reply soon


Dosent take long to say something


Or is it just me


Makes me wonder why I bother

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Some people don't go to FB that often. (like me)

Some don't have the time to talk to someone and/or just ignore the notivs they get.

Some people aren't the talkative or social type.


So don't be disappointed well you don't get it, be patient and stop flooding them with too much massages if you do that.

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I've had the same problem, this girl added me on snapchat, we are both into piano and the same kind of music, so we talked for a bit. About 3 days later, I pop up to her again and try to continue where we left off but she seems dead reluctant and after about 3 messages, just straight up ignores me without any reason given. Really does make you feel worthless :/

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well what you want from me? its not my fault if someone's annoying and it's not selfish to choose the people you want around, if i find someone annoying why bothering to be nice to him, i just tell them "you are annoying" and i don't try to be a fake friend to him because "i need to be nice to people" lol they feel more like shit when they find out that you don't consider them a real friend and you just faked the whole thing. I prefer being selfish and honest. I love when new people i meet tell me stright away" you're annoying" so i stop wasting my time with them trying to be friend with them

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  • 4 months later...

Both men and women sometimes take time to answer a message could be due to different reasons:

- they are busy

- they don't know what to say (say you asked something you never asked before)

- there's been a misunterstanding on something you said and they don't know how to bring it up.

Less often than we think they delay to reply due to not enjoying the other person, but it could be, if you have no low self-esteem and it happens constantly chances are there's something in your personality that the other person dislikes but won't tell you, so either you accept it or you come upfront about it not in a mean way. If you have low self-esteem chances are you are imagining things and really need a good friend to listen to you that's why you get bothered when they don't answer inmediatelly to which I advice you stay calm, may be be honest with your friend and ask them to be patience because you are dealing with something in your life that lowers your self-esteem.


I'm getting tired of reading all those complaints or friendzoned post on the internet, either from male or females, a person is your friend not just because you enterntain them, nor are they online for your pure enterntainment whenever you are bored, one should not be kind and caring just to be more than friends, one shall be kind and caring no matter what (unless the other person has been violent or aggressive with you before). Basically if you know a person well you'd be able to know how they feel about you, if they are ignoring you or they are just busy, it seems to me many people pretend to know someone well enough, the evidence is when things don't go as they want they complain "I've been friendzoned", I'd call it not be really caring about your friendship because you are not able to read your friend's feelings. It happens that sometimes we rather be blind to see and admit we've done something wrong to our friend and that's why they are not answering inmediatelly.


Hope all those possible causes helps you, but be calm.

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Also - don't assume the worst. I used to do this a lot, probably the self-esteem issues flaring up there. But there could very realistically be a variety of reasons why they aren't responding quickly. Realising this, noticing when you start doing it and reminding yourself of these things are the steps towards not worrying so much about it at all

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  • 4 weeks later...

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