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Mylo Xyloto S.O.S ?


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I have a quiestion.. i know it's been a while since mylo xyloto era, but i had this quiestion about this "S.O.S" cd by a mysterious band called "Mylo xyloto" and i found this forum so.. please help me, cause i think is a coldplay cd, i actually downloaded it, it has no lyrics, but the music sounds so coldplay, can anybody clear this to me please!?:\

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Its reminicent of coldplay but I don't think it sounds like them. Plus there is no vocals on the tracks. I think this was just someone trying to make money trying to get coldplay fans to buy their album

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  • 4 weeks later...
i have a new theory.. The album is called "S.O.S" maybe cause he was feeling very sad, he needed help :( because of the problems he was having with his wife..




WAIT you do not think this album S.O.S. was made by Chris, do you :|

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