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What ? How can you say that ? PEGIDA was founded as an anti-islamic, xenophobic, refugee-phobic association (just look at what the acronym stands for) and has been that all the time !

And it's the dumbest thing that happened to our country since '45 !


Yes, the acronym stands for it but not in the way that they don't allow islamic ideas. In their opinion everyone can live the religion they want to live. They just don't want to take the religion and culture over. I'm not scared about this, in no way, but I can understand them in some points.

And it's horrible that you're just repeating the media... I spoke with a lot of participants and they are all normal, intelligent (as suryeys verify) and not anti-islamic. The terrible thing is that nobody take them serious and nobody is listening in a neutral way. It's only my opinion and I saw the demonstrations live. I'm not taking part of PEGIDA, no, but I don't follow the haters of PEGIDA who never ever have seen that group in real.

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I had not even noticed any news this kind from Dresden in Finland. But now, when I searched a bit, I found an article wrote in Swedish. "every one have a freedom of speach, even though we wouldn`t like the message. the riots are ruining the good image of the city. recruiting reseachers abroad can become more difficult. the foreign immigrants feel themselves warmly welcomed though." Those things were told in the article.


I have seen a video from Europe, where immigrants are walking in the motorway and in that way they are disturbing the work of truck drivers. For me that seemed only calm and a bit funny. Like teenagers a bit lost, they could be walking there for the public transportation and for the "let`s use more bicicles" -idea.


I have had some friends, who studied in Dresden. I have a still a positive image of the place. Though I have never visited it. Would be nice though! :)

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@guy42 It seems like southern California gets a big fire every year. :( I certainly know what those fires are like because my home state of Colorado gets them every so often. A few years ago there were some especially scary ones both north and south of Denver, and more than a decade ago some family friends in the mountains almost lost their house.

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