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Sierra Kay

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They were so much fun live! I saw them at the Majestic theater in Detroit and it was packed. :) Good ole' Canada is just hop skip and a jump away so lots of pride for the band there too.

I loved how they were always throwing out petals and flowers to the crowd it was like " yeah you guys rock too!" I caught a pretty yellow daisy, see pic! honestly I wasn't a huge fan before, not because I didn't like them but just due to only hearing a few songs on occasion. But live the lyrics for all the songs were just so endearing and really hit me hard. Plus the band is just tons of fun and so expressive. I immediately went to the merch booth and got the album!





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  • 4 weeks later...

Been a while since I've been to an intimate concert, but I got to see Stars last night at my favorite venue and they put on a great show. They destroyed numerous roses and I had petals raining on my head the whole night. Lots of variety in the setlist with some great crowd interaction. There was no barricade between the standing area and the stage (there's been one every previous time I've been to this venue), so Amy and Torq were basically two feet from my face the whole night (my neck is sore from craning it upwards).


Even though I brought my camera in, I didn't feel like taking any pictures and just decided to enjoy the show, so apologies for lack of pics. Almost got a setlist when the guy walked right over to me after the show, but then he threw it over my head instead.




He Dreams He's Awake

Elevator Love Letter

The Passenger

How Much More

Wasted Daylight

Time Can Never Kill The True Heart

Bitches in Tokyo


The Comeback

Ageless Beauty (Acoustic)

The Woods

Dead Hearts

Take Me to the Riot

We Don't Want Your Body


Set Yourself on Fire

Your Ex-Lover is Dead

One More Night

Celebration Guns

I Died So I Could Haunt You


Midnight Coward

Soft Revolution



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  • 7 months later...

The Bedroom Demos came out recently, it's a compilation of demos for their fourth album, In Our Bedroom After The War (plus two extra songs). Truly beautiful listening to these songs in their rawest form, they've grown to be a significant part of my life. God... I love Stars unconditionally. And Torquil Campbell. :dazzled:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhYvnB1aCBE]YouTube - ‪Stars- The Bedroom Demos - Barricade‬‏[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vrfV0h9Ozg]YouTube - ‪Stars- The Bedroom Demos - Bitches in Tokyo‬‏[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKWZW5O8ALY]YouTube - ‪Stars- The Bedroom Demos - Division‬‏[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nr-gRdPYj5E]YouTube - ‪Stars- The Bedroom Demos - The Worst Thing‬‏[/ame]

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They are a great band.


My only issue is that live it seems that they can be really hit or miss. I've seen them 3 times.


The first time was after halloween and they were all very hungover. Amy's shirt was coming unbuttoned and she bumped her head in to the microphone stand on the first song when she tried to sing.


The second time they were amazing.


The third time they were also amazing except Torq was being a complete immature little baby since his keyboard wouldn't work. He ended up pushing it off the stage. This was after making a scene and yelling at people backstage.


I'll have to see them a 4th time to make a final verdict on them, but right now live at least they are very wishy washy for me.


That being said they still put out some of my favourite Canadian albums. Amy's solo stuff is pretty awesome too.

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I think I prefer Torquil's side/solo projects to Amy's. The real hook that caught me into this band was the lyrical genius, I really think Torq works well at that.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR0F0pts1FU]YouTube - ‪MEMPHIS, I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, LITTLE PLACE IN WILDER‬‏[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8HSCauuPLQ]YouTube - ‪Airport life - Dead Child Star‬‏[/ame]


They were excellent when I went to go see them, despite the broken keyboard. Amy promised that they would play The Last Song Ever Written the next time they'd come around to Detroit, which may actually be coming up...


Amy had her baby with Evan and it brought The Five Ghosts tour to a halt. They've rented out Win & Regine's old apartment to work on their next record, which they've already got a pretty nice start on already by the sound of things; Torq even just tweeted earlier that he's on his way to north hatley to write some more for it. And in addition to that, he just put out a new Memphis record last March, the debut of Dead Child Star late last year, and then a brand new DCS album he wants to put out by the end of this year. I'd imagine Amy has new solo material in the works, as well. They're busy people!

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