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The Snow Patrol Thread


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Short summary of the gig last night:


Two words. Fucking epic.


Setlist as follows (people who would prefer to be kept in the dark, stop reading now):


The Finish Line

Crack the Shutters

Batten Down the Hatch

Give Me Strength

An Olive Grove Facing the Sea

Galileo (w/ Declan O'Rourke)

You Could Be Happy

The Golden Floor

Grazed Knees


Take Back the City




Dark Roman Wine

Spitting Games

You Are My Joy


Set the Fire to the Third Bar




The Planets Bend Between Us

Chasing Cars (say what you want, but you cannot deny this is always a live highlight)

If There's A Rocket, Tie Me To It




Just Say Yes

You're All I Have

Shut Your Eyes




Review soonish.

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Double post ftw.




I actually gasped when I got into the T.F., you know. Such was the sight that met my eyes, of the stage setup for the Reworked Tour. It was then and there that I realised just how different things were going to be. A multi-million-selling act were going to try some intimacy. And the night was intimate. Oh yes indeed – about as intimate as you can get in a venue this size.


Billed as starting at 8pm, the lights didn’t dim until 8.15: clearly, the roadies were making an effort. Every single one of the instruments on that stage had to be pitch-perfact, after all. The first set got underway with a skeletal version of ‘The Finish Line’, featuring just Gary Lightbody and a harp player. The line-up of people on stage changed constantly throughout the night. Through ‘Crack the Shutters’ and ‘Batten Down The Hatch’, there’s more than a little chatting going on, and this prompts Lightbody to address the crowd thus – though whether it’s in light-hearted fashion or otherwise is unclear: ‘This [chatting] is really starting to fuck me off, so if you want to continue it, you can go to the bar’.


Later, he apologises, explaining that he ‘just gets into a weird mood sometimes’. However, this doesn’t change the fact that people are struggling to get into what he calls the ‘quiet first half’ of the set. Now, this is going to sound elitist, I know, but while I can forgive the majority not recognising some of the more obscure tracks (’An Olive Grove Facing the Sea’ – which is stunning; the Reindeer Section material, ‘Cartwheels’ and ‘You Are My Joy’, many, many times throughout the night do I get the feeling that quite a few are only here for the singles. As if to prove my point, ‘Take Back the City’ gets by far the best reaction of any song in the first set, closing things in rousing fashion.


After an intermission (Lightbody: ‘It’s just like going to the theatre’), things are resumed with new song ‘Dark Roman Wine’. As set openers go, understated is not the word. After this, however, now with what would constitute the full band on stage, they launch into a truly euphoric version of ‘Spitting Games’ during which we are urged to stand up. Most every single person in the room remains standing for the rest of the night, as the band pull off a storming set. Crowd-pleasers are rolled out, and the reception that ‘Run’ gets is, quite simply, incredible. In a bitterly ironic twist, what could be called their best-known song, ‘Chasing Cars’, meets with clueless looks until the vocals come in. However, things pick up, and the roof is duly raised as the song reaches climax point.


Two covers are rolled out tonight: One, Declan O’Rourke’s ‘Galileo’ (with the man himself on stage; in fact, Declan is around for quite a part of the show), and an absolutely jaw-dropping take on Elbow’s ‘One Day Like This’ (the band even roped in their string section). A long-overdue debut is given to the rather excellent ‘Lifeboats’, too. They really pulled out all the stops.


The second set finishes with an electrifying ‘If There’s A Rocket, Tie Me To It’, before an encore of recent single ‘Just Say Yes’; their ace in the pack, ‘You’re All I Have’; and a fantastic take on ‘Shut Your Eyes’.


A truly marvellous night from start to finish, one can only hope that the risks they’re taking on this tour rub off on the group as they begin writing for album number six. True, they are still very good at what they do, but some experimentation, as heard in ‘A Hundred Million Suns” epic closer ‘The Lightning Strike – would be welcome. Has tonight given them the confidence to go out on a limb? We shall just have to wait and see.

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Sounds like an amazing set! I just looked up the Elbow cover on YouTube, and it sounds stellar! Gotta be one of the best live covers I've watched (sorry, Coldplay).


Great review as always! It also ticks me off when a crowd is chatty during a concert.

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Excellent review, Bernard! you really should write music reviews for a living... they're always fantastic!


I'm so happy for all of you who have gotten to see the Re-worked Tour. I'm also insanely jealous, but I'll just have to get over that. :P

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wow! a very well written review, Bernard! :D


great to see that the hometown crowd got an extra song for the encore & the covers.


i love the new version of Chasing Cars personally, but i can see how it throws most people off when they play it on the tour. it's barely recognisable from the original.



@darkchoc92 : *lol* that video interview!!! she asked Gary some REALLY blush inducing questions there :wink3: ...almost spit out my coffee when i heard the questions! :laugh3:

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^Yay! I'm still waiting for my CD (I hope Santa's listening!)


Random SP moment of the day...

Saw that movie preview that Meredith mentioned a while ago for the movie Leap Year... Just Say Yes was playing in the background! AND that made me remember a preview I saw while at the movies a couple of weeks ago... the movie 'Dear John' has "Set the Fire" prominently used in the clip! :wacky:

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awww...poor you, johkuji! i hate it when i know what the X'mas present is & i can't have it til X'mas day even if it's already in the house. :bomb:


@jenflor : yes, ma'am!!! *turns volume to max* :D


stumbled on this video interview yesterday & was all "awww..." at a very very young looking & baby faced Gary from way back in 2001. he kinda looks a wee bit too young to be drinking that pint of beer even. :wacky:



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stumbled on this video interview yesterday & was all "awww..." at a very very young looking & baby faced Gary from way back in 2001. he kinda looks a wee bit too young to be drinking that pint of beer even. :wacky:


:wacky: That's really really cute!!!! :wacky:

Yes, he looks very young!

And there are bits from "Starfighter Pilot" in it... I loved that song live :heart:

Thanks for posting!


Elena sent me some stuff :hug: that I'll take to work over Christmas, can't wait to listen to the older songs I don't know (yet) and the live recordings! :dance:

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