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The Snow Patrol Thread


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(maybe we should have waited after all, who knows? :rolleyes: :P)

Yeah, I'm sure gL would have flown from LA to get a pizza for the boys while they're in the studio... :laugh3:


Wow, I'm not sure I want to make comments on these pictures, Aurelie.. :lol:

Go check the comments on the audio sections and listen to the songs (well..snipets of it, but it's better than nothing). It's really touching listening to such early material :heart:

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Yeah, I'm sure gL would have flown from LA to get a pizza for the boys while they're in the studio... :laugh3:

because of the past week, I've come to think that everything is possible! :lol: besides I'm a very patient girl! ha..ha..ha

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because of the past week, I've come to think that everything is possible! :lol: besides I'm a very patient girl! ha..ha..ha

LA->London it's what... 12h flight? , same for the flight back...I guess the band would have had cold pizza but hey, gL got to see V at least...ha...ha...ha :laugh3:


Seriously, we need a post blog (I'm turning into a whinger but I can't help it!)

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LA->London it's what... 12h flight? , same for the flight back...I guess the band would have had cold pizza but hey, gL got to see V at least...ha...ha...ha :laugh3:

exactly! :laugh3:


Seriously, we need a post blog (I'm turning into a whinger but I can't help it!)

I agree, some update would be nice ; -)

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Yes he was :rolleyes: But if his name wasn't under the pic, I wouldn't have recognised him :stunned:




It's discovery day!!! The Shrug's site is still up!! :awesome:




You can hear snippets of their songs in the audio section <3 They sound quite good actually! And theres is a 'demo' version of Starfighter Pilot (didn't know it was a Shrug song?!! :stunned:) I don't see why Gary said the EP was 'full of crap' on the Up to now docu...


Best part is the 'other' Shrug guy comments...





On Iain Archer (wow, I didn't know Gary knew him for that long! :stunned:)


LMAO :laugh3: I'd never imagined that kind of line coming up from Iain!! :D :sneaky:


Is it me or Gary look blond here :lol:




the 'why this site' section got a photo gallery at the bottom of the page...look at that!





the HAIR +the drunken look :facepalm:








I know whatcha mean, he doesn't look anything like himself! Because of the shadows he looks like he has brown eyes. :uhoh:



Anyway, those pictures probably come up a lot at family gatherings, much to Gary's discomfort. :D



He's much better looking now, then he was back then. :uhoh:

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Ok, we have some 'update'!!! You remember gL, Tom and Richard were supposed to DJ on NY eve?!! They cancelled!!! Here the reason:


We were promised that Gary, Tom, and Richard would be joining us to dj the party, but they regretably had to cancel.


Gary Lightbody (Snow Patrol lead singer) is now detained in Ireland through the holidays working on writing the upcoming Snow Patrol album. (He said that he has even sworn off "the drink" too because of the workload and fighting writer's block.) He feels quite sorry and embarrassed that they have to pull out, particularly since it was their idea to do the New Year's in the first place.


"detained in Ireland to work on the album"??!! Bouhhhh big liar!!! They are recording in the US, they never planned to do it in Ireland, plus on new year, they are 'supposed to be finished'....remember them saying it will be quick 2 month...The "detaining" is for sure spending holidays with his family, which is totally understandable! ^^


But I'm more concerned about the "writer block" thing.... :confused: He never had one before!! aren't our boy always keep saying it always come to him....I guess not writing about himself isn't easy for him...Hope it will be ok and it won't delay the album too much....

As for the booze comments, yeah right, who are you KIDDIN?!!!! :laugh3: I have the feeling he might have party a little too much at the begining of their LA journey and now, boomerang effect....


Anyway, I'm glad to see their are more focus on their personnal time and work than do some DJ stuff. I will not be surprised if he cancelled his other engagement for Christmas...

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I just hope all's well. :anxious:

me too :sick: that's why we NEED a blog!!! :whip: It's not like they are disturbed by bats in LA... (or maybe they have been attacked by sharks :rolleyes: )

Seriously now, I'm a little concerned about that 'block' too...he seemed so enthousiastic and full of ideas before starting recording, it's weird he's blocked now.... (or maybe this was just a fake excuse to not DJ and stay with his family :P )


people give him back his Guinness. We need a new album!


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gL's track of the month on this month Q. He's gushing over this track from this Glasgow band:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrvU46lqgOA]YouTube - The Phantom Band - The None Of One[/ame]


Am I the only one thinking this track has a Tired Pony feel?? It's nice ^^


The boys also launch Polar Patrol, their one-record deal label :)


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Did anybody noticed that the last 2 tracks he reviewed and confessed listening in repeat have both a TP/mellow/soft style....Do you think it could be an indication for LP6?? I mean if he listens a lot of that kind of tracks, it can influence the album...?? raaaah we need update :bomb:


On another note, if you want a good laugh (or simply be traumatised) look at those Justin Bieber clones butchering CC


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swTNr2d5RQ8]YouTube - One Direction sing Chasing Cars - The X Factor Live Semi-Final - itv.com/xfactor[/ame]


It cracks me up listening to them singing 'before we get too old'...:lol: and the little one on the very right (the one that has his hand on his crotch XD) looks like Ugly Betty's nephew...XD

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Did anybody noticed that the last 2 tracks he reviewed and confessed listening in repeat have both a TP/mellow/soft style....Do you think it could be an indication for LP6?? I mean if he listens a lot of that kind of tracks, it can influence the album...?? raaaah we need update :bomb:


On another note, if you want a good laugh (or simply be traumatised) look at those Justin Bieber clones butchering CC



It cracks me up listening to them singing 'before we get too old'...:lol: and the little one on the very right (the one that has his hand on his crotch XD) looks like Ugly Betty's nephew...XD


yeah, i noticed that too! he's also mentioned that LP6 may have influences from bands like The National since that's what they've been listening to a lot of recently. & after seeing The National live this week, one thing that i realised is that that new track SP debuted at Ward Park, Big Broken, is a bit The National-ish.


didn't watch X-Factor last night...i just saying on Twitter last week about SP being covered on this show sooner or later. darn. me & my big mouth! :confused:

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Maybe. They have been "mellowing out" a bit when it comes to their records. I wouldn't mind something soft/TPish. That'd be pretty. :blush:


as long as they don't push too much the 'electronica' thing...I would be happy with anything!


I just hope this writer's block is gone. :uhoh:

Me too but I have the feeling that it's just an excuse to not DJ and stay with his family for the holidays :P

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Uugh, what a horrible cover. :dozey:



Maybe. They have been "mellowing out" a bit when it comes to their records. I wouldn't mind something soft/TPish. That'd be pretty. :blush:



I just hope this writer's block is gone. :uhoh:



as long as they don't push too much the 'electronica' thing...I would be happy with anything!



Me too but I have the feeling that it's just an excuse to not DJ and stay with his family for the holidays :P


nah, i don't think they're gonna go too electronica...if at all even. from what Gary's been saying in interviews lately, it sounds like they are going to go for a more stripped down or back to basics kinda sound. so electronica is not likely. & Nathan did also say when Just Say Yes came out that that isn't quite how the new LP's going to be like either.


a teeny bit worried about that whole writer's block thing. which seems to be kinda sudden. if it isn't an excuse to stay home longer, i'm guessing that the Joshua Tree Nat'l Park & LA just didn't work out quite like how they'd hoped for in terms of musical inspiration. so back home to Ireland/UK they go... :)


either that, or it may just be as Jonny once said (jokingly, i'm sure...or hope so anyway), Gary really does need to be heart broken or in love once again to write the next album's songs! in which case, that may take a while to get anything going...... :thinking:

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That could be. I could picture Gary doing that. And if that's true, Honey is very lucky to have such a great uncle. :wacky:

He will spoil her as always and we'll have a NY's blog about how cute she is :lol:


nah, i don't think they're gonna go too electronica...if at all even. from what Gary's been saying in interviews lately, it sounds like they are going to go for a more stripped down or back to basics kinda sound. so electronica is not likely. & Nathan did also say when Just Say Yes came out that that isn't quite how the new LP's going to be like either.

Yeah but Tom has bought all kind of electronic devices (cf. Arthur's day ITVs) so I hope that gL, being the goof that he is, will trip over it and broke them :laugh3:


a teeny bit worried about that whole writer's block thing. which seems to be kinda sudden. if it isn't an excuse to stay home longer, i'm guessing that the Joshua Tree Nat'l Park & LA just didn't work out quite like how they'd hoped for in terms of musical inspiration. so back home to Ireland/UK they go... :)

Yeah, I think that they might have fly back to Ireland to continue the recording, plus with the holidays approaching, it would make sense... SO BLOG PLEASE!!! :whip:


either that, or it may just be as Jonny once said (jokingly, i'm sure...or hope so anyway), Gary really does need to be heart broken or in love once again to write the next album's songs! in which case, that may take a while to get anything going...... :thinking:

I don't really believe that the boy is alone.... :sneaky: but if it's the case, I don't think it's a problem... He has written TP album brilliantly when he was supposely single...

But I hope that this block (fake or not) will not lead him to write agaiiiiin about his heartbroken love life cause it's easy for him... I really hope he will stick with what he said: writting about someone else! Even if it's harder for him or if it takes him longer, I will welcome the change ^^ I mean 5 albums about him, I think we pretty much got the gist XD

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Did anybody noticed that the last 2 tracks he reviewed and confessed listening in repeat have both a TP/mellow/soft style....Do you think it could be an indication for LP6?? I mean if he listens a lot of that kind of tracks, it can influence the album...?? raaaah we need update :bomb:


On another note, if you want a good laugh (or simply be traumatised) look at those Justin Bieber clones butchering CC



It cracks me up listening to them singing 'before we get too old'...:lol: and the little one on the very right (the one that has his hand on his crotch XD) looks like Ugly Betty's nephew...XD

hahahahah soooo true!

OMG! :\ :\ :\ this is just baaaaad! Those kids always sing songs of my fav bands. :(

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I don't know what they're gonna do, but I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be great. There hasn't been one song that they've composed that I haven't liked.

Same here! As long as they continue to make honnest, beautiful and from the heart music, I'll be satisfied :)


The boys offered a signed guitar from some Yoga charity


via twitter

Snow Patrol have donated a signed guitar to GAME Yoga, it will be auctioned off on Dec 9 in Beverley Hills details up @ http://bit.ly/hSK0tr


but the woman who run the class posted this :D




Isn't he cute ?!! :blush: I hope that the yoga class will help him create some great guitar lines! :awesome: we already know gL does yoga too, so hope he takes some benefits from it too! (And Nathan is growing the beard, so surely the Lightbody too...rahhh, we need pics of the all band :bomb: I miss beardy gL!)

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