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The Lightbody was on radio on BBC Ireland to introduces two new bands. He talks about : Rainy Boy Sleep – Your Face & Morgan MacIntyre – Pebbles At Your Feet. You can hear him here from 34:17 thru 44:30.




Gosh, how I've missed that voice!!! Is it me or:

-his irish accent is stronger here?

-can you hear him sniffle?!! :laugh3: (there's a little magic object called a kleenex Gary.... USE IT!!!) Looks like he's got a little cold....poor thing!


Anyway, I LOVE the two artists presented!!! Will check them our from now on! Especially Morgan McIntyre (love that he compared her to Regina Spektor <3)

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edit. I really like this Rainy Boy Sleep, but I cant find it anywhere.

Me neither, I've just found this vid on YT


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF-xqHXcGwk]YouTube - RAINY BOY SLEEP - MANCHESTER POST (SHORT VERSION)[/ame]

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Hope you feel better, Gary. :kiss: Maybe while you're staying at home, trying to get better, you could, ehm, BLOG.




Lastest rumor: Nathan returned to LA last night.... So more recording sessions??? And I'm thinking that February is coming up so gL has the TP album on the works too soon.....so I suppose he only start with TP when SP's album is finished.. :thinking:

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Do we know where they'll be doing this new TP album? :thinking:

On the latest ITV, gL and Peter were talking about Memphis or New Orleans. Anyway, SOUTH! They wanted a bluesy sound...


I'm guetting really pissed @the Lightbody....WHERE ARE YOU :bomb: I guess we're all in this together....we're all in this apart......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar4ZiClxgAo]YouTube - Snow Patrol - Big Broken (new song) live @ Lowlands 2010[/ame]

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:lol: no, that's gL who needed a week to go back home and celebrate. Tom wasn't there (from what I understand when he said it).




like gL said, it's an ANTOLOGY :rolleyes: bad Wapa-wapa :whip: (btw, the wapaaaaa is sound of a whip... :D (cf. Friends episode in S4)


haha...i totally misread your post! :facepalm: my Sherlock skills obviously don't extend to reading stuff online. either that or i'm developing dyslexia with age. :dozey:


kinda curious what exactly the "seven one-off pieces of jewellery" look like? or did i misread that too & that 1 picture is pretty much what all 7 of them look like?


& yes, that DOES sound like a whip when you say it... "WAPA!!!" :whip:


Gosh, how I've missed that voice!!! Is it me or:

-his irish accent is stronger here?

-can you hear him sniffle?!! :laugh3: (there's a little magic object called a kleenex Gary.... USE IT!!!) Looks like he's got a little cold....poor thing!


Anyway, I LOVE the two artists presented!!! Will check them our from now on! Especially Morgan McIntyre (love that he compared her to Regina Spektor <3)

i suppose that's a sign that he's been back in Ireland for a while now. ;)

he's said in interviews that his Irish accent becomes "impenetrable" (his own words! :P ...why the hell am i even remembering things like this when i can barely remember my own mobile number?!?! :facepalm: ) when he's home as opposed to when he's touring/away from home where he tends to neutralise his accent else the ppl can't understand him! :laugh3:


& guess all that snow got to him! it's the flu season now here...apparently.

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haha...i totally misread your post! :facepalm: my Sherlock skills obviously don't extend to reading stuff online. either that or i'm developing dyslexia with age. :dozey:

We're ageing like our boys.... :dozey:


kinda curious what exactly the "seven one-off pieces of jewellery" look like? or did i misread that too & that 1 picture is pretty much what all 7 of them look like?

Dunno, just like you, the only pic I saw was this tiny thing on SP.com.


i suppose that's a sign that he's been back in Ireland for a while now. ;)

he's said in interviews that his Irish accent becomes "impenetrable" (his own words! :P ...why the hell am i even remembering things like this when i can barely remember my own mobile number?!?! :facepalm: ) when he's home as opposed to when he's touring/away from home where he tends to neutralise his accent else the ppl can't understand him! :laugh3:

That what I was thinking too :D (and we remember things like this cause we're incurable fans.... :facepalm: I'm always thinking that if there were a Coldplay class in College, I would have be on the top of the promo :laugh3: )


& guess all that snow got to him! it's the flu season now here...apparently.

Same here (plus the gastroenteritis XD)


The Lightbody and Garret have been nominated to the 2011 Irish Film & Television Academy Award for scoring the movie 'My Brothers'.


Original Score

Niall Byrne - Parked (Ripple World Pictures)

Ray Harman - Na Cloigne (ROSG)

Lance Hogan - Lapland Odyssey (Ripple World Pictures)

Gary Lightbody & Jacknife Lee - My Brothers (Rubicon Films)






I really hope that this nomination (and the 3 others the movie's got in this) will help it to have a wider release...I want to see it :bomb: You can hear Gary sing toward the end of the trailer, sounds good!!


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EayH19MvMs]YouTube - My Brothers - Film Trailer[/ame]


I finish with this....



Should I blog or keep letting them in the dark for a while...?!




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My friend just posted this, don't know if you ever heard it. Its a cover and all, but its nice to hear his voice.

And this morning "Just Say Yes" was on the radio!


It's from the Little Noise Session :) I've posted the entire show (which was released on Up to now Box) here and on the SP MM thread : http://www.coldplaying.com/forum/showpost.php?p=4490828&postcount=662



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The news has been posted on their official twitter account as follows:



Gary Lightbody has set up a tumblr profile which you can follow at http://icanhover.tumblr.com/

:dance: :bomb: :awesome: :heart:


So sunflowers and a californian lake for now :heart: I love his comments under the lake one


took these up at big bear lake in california. not sure who K or A are. unless Kirstie Alley’s middle name is a plus sign. gL



So I think he's back in LA since the lake one is from yesterday... Hope we'll luckier with tumblr than his blog on SP.com!!

But for a man who don't like twitter, he opens a tumblr account... :rolleyes: :lol: (not complaining though!)







@Muzika: how synchro we are XD!! I'm at work right now and I'm can't help but smile stupidly.....XD This made my day, month and maybe year !

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@Muzika: how synchro we are XD!! I'm at work right now and I'm can't help but smile stupidly.....XD This made my day, month and maybe year !


hahah :lol:


i first saw this on facebook and jumped off chair "nooo way, that must be a mistake or something" :wideeyed:


i hope he won't find it too dificult to work with!

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i first saw this on facebook and jumped off chair "nooo way, that must be a mistake or something" :wideeyed:

I saw it on twitter and I got :stunned: -> :awesome: -> :bomb: -> :smug:


i hope he won't find it too dificult to work with!

I'm not worried, he managed to post 2 pics already :lol: Plus, I'm sure he's such a geek on the inside: he blog, he can't live without his laptop and ipod...now tumblr... :sneaky:

I just hope he will stick with it not abandon it like our Berryman left the twitterverse :bigcry: (still not recovering from that one).


SPAM US GARY :awesome:

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i don't know he can take such a good photos!!!

I don't think the sunflowers are his...It looks like photo taken in the studio (see the background). I guess it was just a way to greet us.


I think i read the posts like a thousand times already:laugh3::laugh3:

*hum* coughmecoughtoocough *hum*


And did you see what they said on sp.com about his account?!!


Gary has set up tumblr profile, which he plans to update over the course of the current recording process. The idea is to not only give you a wee look into the working lives of the band but also outside the studio as well.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :bomb: :awesome: I want random pics of the boys just as our Guy used to.... *greedy fan* I hope that he won't post a pic of a blank page saying 'this is where I'm at....' :laugh3:


I'm so happy, I believe..I can flyyyyyy :D

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Finally, news from gary!!!!!!


how happy i am to see his post :laugh3::rolleyes::kiss:


i don't know he can take such a good photos!!! I think i read the posts like a thousand times already:laugh3::laugh3:


i saw your FB post first when i just woke up...then i re-read it & saw the official SP post on FB...really awake already by then! :shocked2: haha



I saw it on twitter and I got :stunned: -> :awesome: -> :bomb: -> :smug:



I'm not worried, he managed to post 2 pics already :lol: Plus, I'm sure he's such a geek on the inside: he blog, he can't live without his laptop and ipod...now tumblr... :sneaky:

I just hope he will stick with it not abandon it like our Berryman left the twitterverse :bigcry: (still not recovering from that one).


SPAM US GARY :awesome:

maybe he'll find it easier or more convenient to post stuff via Tumblr than blogging. & i'm guessing that ideally, Universal Music'd love it if he'd get on the Twitter bandwagon, but he's quite adamant that he hates it. so next best thing: Tumblr! no 140 chars limit & similar enough to blogging for our intrepid Mac-toting wordsmith... :P


I don't think the sunflowers are his...It looks like photo taken in the studio (see the background). I guess it was just a way to greet us.

maybe he nicked it from Jonny's bro? :sneaky:


but that shot from the beach is quite good...i wanna know what camera is that (especially if it's just a P&S cam!). seriously.



*hum* coughmecoughtoocough *hum*


And did you see what they said on sp.com about his account?!!



Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :bomb: :awesome: I want random pics of the boys just as our Guy used to.... *greedy fan* I hope that he won't post a pic of a blank page saying 'this is where I'm at....' :laugh3:


I'm so happy, I believe..I can flyyyyyy :D

oi! wrong song! :whip: :P


but am looking forward to the prospect of more posts from him...bring it on, Gary! :D

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maybe he'll find it easier or more convenient to post stuff via Tumblr than blogging. & i'm guessing that ideally, Universal Music'd love it if he'd get on the Twitter bandwagon, but he's quite adamant that he hates it. so next best thing: Tumblr! no 140 chars limit & similar enough to blogging for our intrepid Mac-toting wordsmith... :P



maybe he nicked it from Jonny's bro? :sneaky:

I hadn't thought of Bradley... :facepalm: but I don't recognize his style though :thinking: It looks more like any 'agency' photo you find in the images folder when you bought a computer...


but that shot from the beach is quite good...i wanna know what camera is that (especially if it's just a P&S cam!). seriously.

Same thought! But I think he can get that kind of shot with an iphone... I don't see gL as a camera geek, so if it's not with his phone, I *think* it must be a 'simple' compact model, nothing fancy and/or complicated. You can do brilliant shots with a very simple camera :)





Look what I found! (on TTB)




(I think it's one of Bradley camera... can't picture gL carrying that around....:lol: he's no Guy Berryman... :rolleyes: )

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muzika, did you see his latest post? he is *still* not done posting on Tumblr! haha


i said it on the SP FB post, but i'll say it again, cos i think it's so adorkable of our Gary!

he's like a kid with a new toy! :lol:





I hadn't thought of Bradley... :facepalm: but I don't recognize his style though :thinking: It looks more like any 'agency' photo you find in the images folder when you bought a computer...



Same thought! But I think he can get that kind of shot with an iphone... I don't see gL as a camera geek, so if it's not with his phone, I *think* it must be a 'simple' compact model, nothing fancy and/or complicated. You can do brilliant shots with a very simple camera :)





Look what I found! (on TTB)




(I think it's one of Bradley camera... can't picture gL carrying that around....:lol: he's no Guy Berryman... :rolleyes: )

yeah, Gary's a geek for sure. but he's not much of a tech geek like Guy. & i remember the camera he was holding in the Japan tour diary video...it's just a normal P&S. not a Leica or anything super geeky.


i think it's more to the iPhone 4 that you can get photos like that. didn't think of the iPhone cos of that interview where he showed his banged up low tech Nokia. & he pretty much said he doesn't want a phone that's like a computer. but i guess he could've used one of the guys' iPhones or someone else's.


have you seen TTB's interview with Bradley? all the camera tech/geek talk! haha

they lost me at the questions about lenses and films! :P

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haha, well said, well said :lol:


and those pics are definately taken not with an iphone, cause of quality. but its really hard to tell more than that from those pics.

i dare to think that a simple p&s camera with more megapixels was used, because pictures, which are taken with SLR (single lense relfex) cameras have more slightly blurrier backround :)


EDIT: woha, if he's gonna keep posting so often...:heart:

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