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This was not supposed to happen.


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I'm sorry everyone if I'm not in the greatest of moods lately but there's just been a whole lots on my mind the past week or so.I think my parents are going to be splitting up in the near future and I'm pretty upset over it. It's not final yet but I'm pretty sure that's what's going to happen. This isn't a pity thread or anything, I just needed to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening. :)

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My father was divorced. I am the child of his second marriage. I guess I have a little experience with it, though not much since I never was confronted with the breaking up of a marriage: I only dealt with a post- view.


You've got support here, Jess.

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I don't know if I'd mentioned this to you before, Jess, but I had a brother killed when I was 10. He was 9. Since then, I've had a very realist view of the world. I don't know if this will help you or not, but I sincerely believe that a single, individual person is a special thing, and the happiness that one person lives their life with is the ultimate value of the world. It's the power that makes the world turn.


This is the part which might not help, so I won't bring it up again: I think there is a way to derive some silver lining out of this. If whatever your parents decide to do lead to their greater happiness, I think in time you may be able to feel some comfort in the decision.


But right now, that's impossible to see. That's something only time will bring. But in the interim I would just try to foster as much happiness as possible and try to project that into yourself and onto your parents.


I feel kind of bad for posting this. I don't know if this will help you. I'm sorry if it doesn't.


OK ... I'm going to jog down to the bank and back. I'll be back soon.

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Richard you're more help than you know, trust me. I know that if this happens it will be for the better because my mom is so unhappy and just wants out. My mother deserves to be happy so whatever it takes to achieve that, I want it done even if it means a divorce. And it's not a selfish decision on her part either, a large part of it is for the piece of mind of my sisters and I.

It's funny how upsetting things can bring about good things eh? I'm sorry to hear about your brother, that must have been devastating especially for a little kid.

And one more thing needs to be said..Richard I'm very glad to have you as a friend. :)

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aw you can get through it jess! i'm also in the same situation at the moment....well it's actually been going on for years but it might actually happen. then i'm stuck with who i want to live with, and everything. and i've thought about it so much that i know that if my parents spilt i know who i would want to live with. you're lucky that your parents don't fight though :) mine fight all the time.

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small world: my mom asked my dad for a divorce on saturday. :stunned:


the difference in my case is that i've actually been praying for years that they'd do that.


and yeah, i'm slightly creeped out by the fact that i can come on here and share something like that with a bunch of strangers, but it's also very nice too. :cool:

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