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Post piccies of the sexy Mr Berryman..


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Yaay Partaaayy !!! let's get him wasted !

weeeeee, the ding ding thingy :nice: :sneaky:


That man is God.


And Chavi. God as Dieu (i dont know if i wrote it right, never learned French), not God as god.





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nooo!! I missed the party butt... I have some news and questions that could possibly get us closer to Guy!!

1. does Guy brother still work at Nobu b\c my friend was there in London and she said she saw the cuttest chef ever.. and then I thought holy shit could it be Mark?! and she said he looked liked he had a nice body and he was really cute and that he kind of had an accent and I showed her a pic of Mark (have him and Guy on my binder) and she said it looks liike the chef; this couold be all coincindence but still; she got a card from the place w\ their e-mail... I need Carla to do her magic detective work to see if he's still working there idk I just almost passd out when she told me the story in jazz class + we were listening to viva la vida!

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