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good, i'll check it in few secs :D


why do you have this feeling? it has been announced already which bands will go to next year fest?


They never announce the line-up before tickets go on sale, you might get the odd band confirming they are playing and the odd headliner leak early. Unlike other festivals whose line-up is known before tickets go on sale, you are going in blind.

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i have never heard music of this spanish band, i will give them a listen soon; the name, i find it a bit strange.. :uhoh:


salamancos? you mean that they are from Salamanca? then they are salmantinos.


es bueno que escuches bandas de aquí, te ayudará mucho además también hay algunas buenas bandas. :)

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These days...?


Well, yesterday I went to the beach, which was nice. I also had lunch over there.

A few days ago I went to a Japanese restaurant.

And I went to the cinema to watch funny games on Frid night.


I think this has been all. What about you?

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I have been working since Thursday tonight is my last night.

Tomorrow I hope to go to the quiz, it depends... :rolleyes:

Tuesday I am still hoping that girl I met is coming out with me, but me sending her a text message saying.. I would prefer in such words its not a date as in such may have not helped. I may call her in a little while. :/

Wendesday I asked my colombian flat mates to come for a drink with me.. :dance:

And Thursday I dont know... :confused:

Friday I am back at work... :(


Have u made up your mind about where you going for your Holidays in August yet... ?

Ari was here before but she has gone... !

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Oh, do you want to go to the quiz tomorrow?


I don't think it should be a problem the fact of you sending her that kind of message. You just sent it to avoid misunderstandings.


Don't know where I'll go in August, it depends on the last offers. So I suppose that by the end of July I'll go to the travel agency to ask for them... and later on I'll make a decision.

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I'm not sure about it at the moment but I might come with you!

I'll send you a sms tomorrow if in the end I decide to come with you, okay?!


and speaking about Doctor Who, the other day I checked one of your pms in which you gave me the link for the 1st DW episode but it says it has expired... Could you give me another link?

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aw, no worries, honestly.


If I'm coming it's because I really want to, so be sure that you're not putting me under pressure or something! :)


oh yeah, it would be nice that you looked for a link! At last I have made the decision to watch Dr.Who!!

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