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Yeah, that's what I meant, sorry. I wonder what Ron is supposed to be wearing in the 3rd photo.... if I recall, that outfit wasn't mentioned in the book. :lol:

That's the new Quidditch outfit. They said they were trying to make them a little more like football pads. Finally Ron makes the team!

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I'm really curious how good a job the actress who plays Ginny will do in the film. She's been portrayed very passively up until now and I've always found it kind of hard picturing her in that part, but maybe I'll be surprised.

Hmm, good point. She never has really done anything in the films. I guess her biggest part was in OOTP, but even then she almost never talked. It'll be weirder in the last one when she and Harry talk about all sorts of deep things. But knowing WB, they'll proabably cut those parts to show more battle scenes.:rolleyes:

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Oh btw, did you know that the first lines of HP were written here in Portugal? Cuz JK was married to a portuguese man and she started writing HP here :D

Really? Well aren't you lucky...



Did you know the first book was called "Sorcerer's Stone" here in America first?:smug:


I never did get why they changed the name...I guess they figured Americans were too stupid to know what a Philosopher was.

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^lol. that's basically what they said. J.K.R says she regrets letting the publishers make that change, but they didn't think american kids would be as familiar or intrigued by/with a philosopher as they would a sorceror...

Which is stupid as I knew what a Philosopher was in first grade, I had never even heard the word Sorcerer:rolleyes:


But it's funny how I read these books. When I was a kid, I loved to read and write. My brother got me started on these books, and I read 1-4. The waiting for OOTP got to be too long, and I lost interest in the series.


About a year or two after OOTP came out, I started trying to read it. I could never get past chapter 1, I just couldn't get into it. Then I won tickets to see the OOTP movie, and I loved it. So I decided to read the book. Knowing what happened let me get through the whole thing, and I was hooked again. I then sped through the last 2, and since then I've been reading AND writing non-stop. These books really did change my life.

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What I find so great about the books is how they matured at the same rate as the reader...at least in my case, and I'm sure in many others...but I read the first book around the age of ten, and since there was a wait for each book, I was always about the same age as harry when I read each book for the first time. and what's amazing is how the content's of the book's changed drastically. I mean, looking back on sorceror stone, the writing was honestly subpar. If I started reading the books at 17 I would've put it back on the shelf a long time ago, but you could care less about the writing than the story at the age of ten...

Then of course Jo introduces more relationship drama, content ges a lot more serious and dark, not to mention there's a great deal more "language"...but no matter what age I started and ended, I could always relate to the books and the characters. I swear when/if I have kids I'll try to make them wait a year between each book and hope nobody tells them about dumbledore before then :P ... the experience is just not the same.

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What I find so great about the books is how they matured at the same rate as the reader...at least in my case, and I'm sure in many others...but I read the first book around the age of ten, and since there was a wait for each book, I was always about the same age as harry when I read each book for the first time. and what's amazing is how the content's of the book's changed drastically. I mean, looking back on sorceror stone, the writing was honestly subpar. If I started reading the books at 17 I would've put it back on the shelf a long time ago, but you could care less about the writing than the story at the age of ten...

Then of course Jo introduces more relationship drama, content ges a lot more serious and dark, not to mention there's a great deal more "language"...but no matter what age I started and ended, I could always relate to the books and the characters. I swear when/if I have kids I'll try to make them wait a year between each book and hope nobody tells them about dumbledore before then :P ... the experience is just not the same.

Extremely well-put. That's exactly how I feel too. And did somebody tell you about Dumbledore before you read it?

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no thank goodness, I got my copy assoon as could and for the next couple days I pretty much just stayed home and read. I think there were more leaks when deathly hallows came out, you could be watching a completely harmless non-coldplay related video but the response posts underneath will list the pages where everyone died. I may have accidentally seen a couple names, but not enough to spoil anything. I learned to keep off the internet until I had finished the book. :P

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no thank goodness, I got my copy assoon as could and for the next couple days I pretty much just stayed home and read. I think there were more leaks when deathly hallows came out, you could be watching a completely harmless non-coldplay related video but the response posts underneath will list the pages where everyone died. I may have accidentally seen a couple names, but not enough to spoil anything. I learned to keep off the internet until I had finished the book. :P

Same here. There were 2 clues that made me think Hermione was gonna die. First, this video:


8 seconds into it




And then also someone in my school said something about how JKR "kills off all her main characters". I of course covered my ears before I heard more.



So when it got to the chapter where Bellatrix was torturing her, I was sure she would die, I was no nervous while reading it.

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