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;) :) :/

is it possible to have three emotiuons in the same time

some does some people want it all :wideeyed:

draw for me i'm out of la technology or i'm gonna :sick:


good luck on german exams i say if i'm not back :stunned:


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i've seen R. clip there i'm ot his manager anymore :vomit:

nah i'm sick since 2 days :confused: headache and nausea :lips:

that 's so roccomantic :rolleyes:



headache and nausea....easy...

you're le pregnant!!!!

i'm gonna be le godmother!

Mafesse Corleone!!! :chinese:

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mwahah i wish i wish :tongue:


boo nothing has happened though :shifty: i'm stil lwaiting for the prince charming :lips: or léa and you for ma TATU :heart:


opps hey evamilk i have to go now, pizza's ready and i have to study more :( i hope you so good with literary terms :lips:

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20 litosphere-slabs.

naaaah 15 :chinese:

Antartic :stunned:

Africa (saga) :stunned:

North America :stunned:

South america :stunned:

Caraibe :stunned:

Cocos :idea2:

Juan de la Fucca :stunned:

Eurasia :stunned:

India :lips:

Philippines :chinese:

Pacific :uhoh:

India ocean


OOps i miss three or free :lips:

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christina frenchlera or mister diva

last exam first ima ready for sexam on my back :lips:

be ma tatu l'amour it est

the card ima sending like dat yo how

pow pow im happy as a raisin or yaourt sad



decode dat yo you will know the truth behind the thousand ------- lies :shifty:

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