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Rumor Control

Sweet One

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This is the thread where you can gossip about anything you want. It can be about a random story you heard or whatever and whoever knows what's up can help clarify.


Ok, i'm up first. Is it true that Ciara "one-two-step" girl is really a man? I've heard that 3 times now.

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rumour?... my classmates said yesterday that a mate is pregnant, she didn't came to lessons till yesterday and they said she seem pregnant... and they wonder who is th father? 'cause she have a bfriend since long time but she had an affaire with another mate of her class :stunned: .... i don't believe any... :dozey:

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Ok, i'm up first. Is it true that Ciara "one-two-step" girl is really a man? I've heard that 3 times now.


dont say that, you'll crush albie's crush. :P



err... unless he swings that way.

*remembers david, Ian, Leftleg, etc...*

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Guest LiquidSky
This is the thread where you can gossip about anything you want. It can be about a random story you heard or whatever and whoever knows what's up can help clarify.


Ok, i'm up first. Is it true that Ciara "one-two-step" girl is really a man? I've heard that 3 times now.


Really? This is the first time I am hearing/reading this :stunned:

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