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i've got a inkling that it's not humans that are an evil specimen, but men in particular rather than women. look at the percentage split between men and women of famous evil people. it's largely men. and i suspect those women that are evil are masculine women, are in cahoots with evil men or are simply inspired by men



well i think men are very annoying, but i dont believe them to be born evil :stunned:

they've just always held the powerful positions in society, and continue to do so today! i suppose it comes from some ideology that men are in some way 'better' than women at some roles.

which is bullshit of course

i believe that men are women are more alike than we give ourselves credit for, its just that both sexes are expected to behave a certain way more than anything else

so i think the 'nature' argument is weaker than the 'nurture' argument

er yeah

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a long time ago when i went to college.. i remember taking this psych class and the prof was trying to explain his theory on the whole man vs women thing with.. if i recall correctly, he said something that for women it wouldn't be as advantageous as it was for men to cheat. men, yes, just need to spread their seed. but women are the childbearers and thus, wouldn't want to be cheating with just anyone b/c having a child takes energy and resources. so she picks a male that she thinks will take care of her the best.. it's in her best interest to stay monogamous, while for males, well, it's just not "as critical". i also recall him saying that when men were asked to picture his wife cheating, he pictured her having sex with another man while women on the other hand thought that cheating meant the man was in love (emotionally) with the other woman. so she pictured him with the other woman (talking, hugging, holding hands, etc). interesting, really. who knows if the theories really add up though.


but if one notes in this movie, it wasn't just the men who cheated. julia roberts did it too. it was this whole play on emotions, secrecy, control and.. ewww... :/ people with low self esteems no doubt. :( or just plain messed up.

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