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New Pope


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It's funny because I didn't even that that was the Star Wars guy until my bf told me, I thought that was really the pope.


ok now THATS mean. :lol:



Camille, I don't really like Christianity all that much. Too much corruption and blind faith. I don't feel THAT bad for making fun of a homophobe



lol I dont know how he is as a pope and what not. But just because he doesnt believe in same sex unions and gay rights doesnt mean he's a homophobe.. that would mean he is 'afraid' right?? but he is just preaching what the 'so called word of God' is... which for the record, I sooooooooooooo do not agree with. Like I've said before... I am a Catholic.. but I DO NOT agree with many of the church's ways. Its just as corrupt as any other 'organization' out there... that doesnt affect my faith in any way... I believe in God.. and this about it.

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My dad just find this pic.



Este es el 'osito Papa Benedicto XVI' fabricado por Hermann-Spielware en Coburgo, Alemania. Se trata de una edición limitada con sólo 265 ejemplares, la cifra de los Papas de la Iglesia Católica a lo largo de la Historia. Tan limitada, que el juguetito sale por un ojo de la cara, cuesta nada más y nada menos que 160 euros.


This is the teddy called "Pope Benedict XVi" made by Hermann-Spielware in Coburg (Germany). it's a limited edition of only 265, that is the number of Popes of the Catholic Chruch in History. This teddy cost 160€. :stunned:

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