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my detailed experience! Duluth, GA [06 Mar 2003]


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Duluth, Ga concert march 6th 2003 , My Early Birthday Present


I made All State Choir for Alabama and March 6th is the day that i am starting my big experience. I previously talked to my choir director to see if i could miss one rehearsal but still be able to partake in the main event. She said that they were really strict so i just decided to go and take a chance. I get there and it is probably the most BORING thing ever! They said if one rehearsal is missed than you cannot perform for the big finale. Ok lets get real...this boring shit or COLDPLAY ahem without a doubt Coldplay! So i get a new outfit and we are on the road all set. We are driving from Birmingham to Atlanta and we left at around 5 pm. Thinking we are all good time wise because the show starts at 8. We are driving and I am so bored! Nothing but Jlo and some other poptart music on the radio. I am about to go to sleep but i remebered that we are drving into a totally different time zone! So instead of it being 6 and having about 100 miles to go until we get to Aatlanta and a respectable 2 hours to do so, it is 7 and we have 100 miles to go and one hour to do so. Praying that we dont get pulled over (my mum was going at LEAST 90) i kept trying to be optimistic by saying things like.. This is Coldplay. Even if i only see them for 10 mins. ill be elated b/c i am in love with this band!(which was so true and still is ,but deep down i kept saying how i had gotten myself so pumped up for THIS!)

I saw some signs on the way up there that filled me with some hope that everything would be okay, such as an 18 wheeler that had nothing but the word "yellow" on the back of it and when my mum stopped for gas (wow did this ruin our time) i looked at the scrolling sign on the gas tank and all i saw was the word "yellow" ..weird how my fav song and first one i heard of them was feeling me with hope .From then on i was determined that everything would be okay. It is 8 oclock , showtime, and i have now just seen the skyline of Atlanta, which is still pretty far away. By this time my mum and I are losing our minds! We finally get on the interstate leading to Duluth (14 long ; way long it seemed like ;miles to go) and it is 30 past. We get to Duluth and make every wrong turn imaginable! I keep seeing lazers in the sky knowing it was from a concert! We finally arrive at some college or school and this lady leads us there. It turns out there was a big sign we missed , go figure! The traffic guyz tell us that it started 30 mintues ago and I become stoked! Thinking or kind of knowing that coldplay shows only last for about 75 minutes, Im happy to know that ill be able to see them live for at least 30 mins! When the traffic guyz mistakingly tell us that the Goo Goo Dolls opened for coldplay my mum ,losing all track of time and her mind, freaks. Im like MUM !~~COLDPLAY , come on drive! We get up to the gates and i see some guys walking out. I ask them if Coldplay had started and they were like some band had just finished. I was like if your talking about Coldplay im gonna hit you for 2 reason . 1) Because you called them "some band" when they are my Passion in life, and 2) Because i missed them play . lol. The ticket lady tells us that coldplay hadnt started and i was sooo happy. What a high i was at And I mean HIGH from being so low!. So the show was awsome we had a great view and wow the setlist was wicked...i cant think of every song in order but they played politik, yellow, in my place ,clocks, a rush of blood to the head ,and spies(which are my sooo favs so i was again on cloud 9) ,daylight ,one i love ,poor me (i think) ,dont panic ,the scientist ,everything's not lost(wonderful sing a long), and trouble w/ ELTON JOHN !~wow the crowd went nuts! And to end a rollercoaster night for me and my mum chris came out to sing Georgia on My Mind..dedicated to "The city that made them in the US"(atlanta) amazingly!

All in all the nite was brilliant. I missed The Music but wow i dont really mind cuz i saw COLDPLAY ;woo this band means so much to me, even if I am a 14 year old twat!. Some people were trying to get to the back of the building and i was thinking about it ,after hearing so many people say they had met them that way, but security were pushing people back it looked like. We were actually behind the tour bus for like 5 mintues. i saw jonny leaning on a pole....i think it was him b/c i saw the red cap and beard and bushy hair....the night was amazing.....after that we ate wendy's and reminised and guss what ... Yellow came on the radio...So now that i think about it... Yellow really made my night! That song was watching out for me....cheesy but it was....on the highway ,on a 18 wheeler,...at a gas station...and as i drove home from a wonderful experience!



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