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Your Impressions of X&Y After Hearing it all, Finally


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We have enough piano in the last two albums people' date=' this is supposed to be a different sound! I loving.... :cool:[/quote']


ahhh i love the piano, thats why i really really liked the last 2 albums, thats not the only reason of course, but still its a great album but not like the first 2.

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but still its a great album but not like the first 2.

I believe that was the point ;)


I actually would like more piano myself, but then people would start talking that it was supposed to be a different album and it's not, so coldplay has run out of ideas, blah blah. It's better this way!

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in the words of chris martin, "its fucked up brilliant".....and in my words....its ridiculously good..i expected X&Y to be incredible, but incredible isnt a good enough word to describe this album...it has exceeded every one of my last expectations...wow

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although I think this album completly ROCKS and is amaazing.. it has its slight downfall.


1.. no immediate songs like clocks or scientist

2.. title track isnt as good as it should be.. imho

and the most important and most disapointing..

no "amsterdam" :embarrased: :cry: :(

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although I think this album completly ROCKS and is amaazing.. it has its slight downfall.


1.. no immediate songs like clocks or scientist

2.. title track isnt as good as it should be.. imho

and the most important and most disapointing..

no "amsterdam" :embarrased: :cry: :(

I don't get thissss... Coldplay said they were going to re-invent themselves. Why were you expecting formulated "amsterdam" and "clocks" songs? I'm really glad they didn't do that...would've been disappointing!

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I can't believe some people think 'Low' is the worst track on the record, I absolutely love it. Even Square One makes Politik sound like a B-side now lol.


But then again, that's the beauty about a coldplay album: everyone finds something different in it :)

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i absolutely love till kingdom come, but i was a bit disappointed with what if and fix you. the fix you they did on snl was better, imo... more soul from chris's immaculate voice. i still think the guitars need to be reved up in the what if chorus a tad. all in all i think its an amazing album and i will probably listen to it everday until their next album just like i did with arobth!

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i absolutely love till kingdom come' date=' but i was a bit disappointed with what if and fix you. the fix you they did on snl was better, imo... more soul from chris's immaculate voice. i still think the guitars need to be reved up in the what if chorus a tad.[/quote']


I agree totally. Fix you may be my fave so far but the SNL version was so much more soulful and energetic during the chorus, the studio version doesn't build to a crescendo as much..a lil' disappointed.


With that said, the album rocks!

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I really Liked it! Square One, Fix You, Speed of Sound, Swallowed in the Sea are my top songs, but in overall this is a great album! Good job Coldplay guys! Definitely a MUST buy record.


pd: Low is a great song, it's Coldplay playing to be U2.

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i still remember needing repeated listens to love arobtth and parachutes... at first i didn't like daylight or everything's not lost but those are now two of my favs. i see no reason why X&Y should be different so i am not panicking at all. I am going to love it and that's all there is to it!

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