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Your Impressions of X&Y After Hearing it all, Finally


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I can't believe some people think 'Low' is the worst track on the record' date=' I absolutely love it. [/quote']


I'm with you, I thought Low was awesome, although it had a weak ending.


Overall, the album was incredible, although it felt a bit overproduced. Again, though, they wanted their sound to evolve, and returning to their Parachutes days would have been a step back instead of a step forward.


Also, after listening to live recordings of 'Till Kingdom Come, SOS, and Square One, I've decided that their new material will sound outstanding live. It'll retain that epic feel that accompanies a song like Square One or Talk with the fallability of their earlier works.

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the new album isnt as emotional as the last 2 in my opinion.


I think it's quite a bit darker. The whole album has a Politik/AROBTTH/GPASUYF cynicism/despair/defeatist feel to it. Not every song, mind you, but overall a bit existential(sort of). I really like it, but it'll take a while to decide if it's better than the last two.

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Well...I think this album marks when Coldplay overtakes U2 as the biggest and best band in the world. After listening to "X&Y", it makes "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" sound very ordinary, and I worship U2. But God almighty, "X&Y" is filled with so many interesting tracks. And this is only their 3rd album? :stunned:


"X&Y" was well worth the wait. I don't think it will leave my car CD player for the entire summer. This is absolutely superb and beautiful music.

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wow. okay, for the first time in so long i got hit with this feeling. seriously, 3 minutes ago i fell totally in love with coldplay. couldn't stop smiling. :D

it was in my place last time, and i was just listening to the hardest part and it hit me how amazing it actually is. :)


love it.

okay, my day has been made. i was waiting for that moment where i feel absolutly, completly satisfied with the music. yay.

It's coming!


It's growing!


It's coming!


It's growing!




Coldplay are back in me, I'm back in heaven.


Deep night here, Swallowed In The Sea is going, couldn't stop smiling.


Hell fuck yeah, I was waiting for that moment for days.


Rationally I wasn't sure this could happen again with that third album, but now it happened!!


I fell in love again, that's super!!!

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this album makes me sad and reminisce of those sweet sweet days when i discovered and fell in love with the cool, understated, passionate, and rediculously tastey Parachutes.

what happened to these guys? the new songs are pretty cool (old edition of talk, Fix You, beginning of swallowed in the sea, even things I dont understand: my stand out faves) but its not the really the stuff you lay in bed with at night with the lights off and your headphones on.

remember careful where you stand? we never change? see you soon? dont panic?? these songs dont come CLOSE to the haunting melancholy that those early more timid songs captured.

coldplay deserves all the attention they recieve and chris martin is probably my favorite song writer in the last 20 years. i just wish he wasn't affraid to be the vulnerable self that he used to be.

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i do like the album but......


so far it just doesn't stack up to arobtth for me. i mean where are those "give me love over" or "i miss you" ir "yeeeaaaaaah" moments that when i sing along i SING ALONG too? maybe it'll take a few more listens


but it's not a bad album by any means

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I've had a good listen now, and I don't think it's as good as A Rush of Blood To The Head. I just love that album to death, and I don't know, there seems to be something missing from this one. It's better than Parachutes (which I'm not too fond of) though, in my opinion.


I think the album's a bit too ambient. They've tried too many instruments, and at times it feels a bit busy. There was and is a lot of hype to this album, and I think that's one of the reason's that a many people are so disapointed.

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well i wasn't sure of what to think the first time I heard it.

i loved the first four songs and then i thought it dropped off kind of and picked back up with "the hardest part."

originally i wasn't too crazy about tracks 5-9, but after having the cd on repeat... "X&Y" has emerged as one of my top three songs.

that song is totally different than anything Coldplay has ever done.

at the moment it sits somewhere between parachutes and ROBTTH.

it certainly is a good disc, but i do miss the piano.

however i said the very same thing when radiohead ditched the accoustic guitars for a more experimental electronic sound.

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what happened to these guys? the new songs are pretty cool (old edition of talk, Fix You, beginning of swallowed in the sea, even things I dont understand: my stand out faves) but its not the really the stuff you lay in bed with at night with the lights off and your headphones on.

remember careful where you stand? we never change? see you soon? dont panic?? these songs dont come CLOSE to the haunting melancholy that those early more timid songs captured.

coldplay deserves all the attention they recieve and chris martin is probably my favorite song writer in the last 20 years. i just wish he wasn't affraid to be the vulnerable self that he used to be.


I agree with this comment. Parachutes is definitely one of my favourite albums ever, it was eerie and beautiful. These songs are alright, but do not measure up.

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wow. okay, for the first time in so long i got hit with this feeling. seriously, 3 minutes ago i fell totally in love with coldplay. couldn't stop smiling. :D

it was in my place last time, and i was just listening to the hardest part and it hit me how amazing it actually is. :)


love it.

okay, my day has been made. i was waiting for that moment where i feel absolutly, completly satisfied with the music. yay.

It's coming!


It's growing!


It's coming!


It's growing!




Coldplay are back in me, I'm back in heaven.


Deep night here, Swallowed In The Sea is going, couldn't stop smiling.


Hell fuck yeah, I was waiting for that moment for days.


Rationally I wasn't sure this could happen again with that third album, but now it happened!!


I fell in love again, that's super!!!


Me too, me too!!! I haven't felt it for so long and it took such a long while in coming that I forgot what it is to fall in love with their music again... Just can't help smiling right now :D

This is the reason why I love Coldplay. They make you feel, remind you that you are alive, that life is for living, and are there with you every step of the way, everytime.


For all you people out there who find X&Y a hard listen (& not quite to your taste) but are still trying to accept it, my advice: keep it on repeat until you get used to the instruments & sound. This one really takes time. Once your brain accepts what it's hearing and you can start processing the sound without feeling overwhelmed, you'll start to love it, promise! It's still our dear old Coldplay :smug:


Not sure yet though whether I can fall asleep / totally relax to it like I did Parachutes and even AROBTTH :P

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i think its better than a rush of blood


i dont know, probably only time will tell if it surpasses parachutes... i agree with a lot of teh posts that the understated, more bitter and honest coldplay was so amazing, whilst there is an obvious musical progression with the 2nd and 3rd album i dont think that the new stuff reaches me on the same sort of personal scale as parachutes. however, still amazing, will be up a dawn tomorrow to finally get the album... cant wait.... i think the new sound works better live too. :)

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I love the live versions of many of these songs, and in an interview they said that in the back of their minds they were wondering what the songs would sound like on stage. So, if you don't like X&Y so far, wait until you hear the songs in concert. Honestly, "Low" is amazing on stage.

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i think its better than a rush of blood


i dont know, probably only time will tell if it surpasses parachutes... i agree with a lot of teh posts that the understated, more bitter and honest coldplay was so amazing, whilst there is an obvious musical progression with the 2nd and 3rd album i dont think that the new stuff reaches me on the same sort of personal scale as parachutes. however, still amazing, will be up a dawn tomorrow to finally get the album... cant wait.... i think the new sound works better live too. :)

I agree, the songs on X&Y might acually better than those on AROBTTH, but I dont seem to connect with them on the same personal level. Songs like WARNING SIGN, IN MY PLACE, AMSTERDAM, POLITIK, and mostly CLOCKS were all very personal songs for me. Yet the new albums out in two days so only time will tell.
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