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Your Impressions of X&Y After Hearing it all, Finally


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as much as I want to love and cherise X&Y (which I will!!! :lol:) I think the first few seconds of fix you and square one are the weakest parts of the record, just toally disjointed, altho fix you is my favourite song, like many other people. It doesnt "top" any of the other albums tho because its comletely different!!! Unless they release another album of this style (unless your talking about which style of music you prefer), you cannot say which album is better!

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Its the best Coldplay album.I have to say,i skipped Daylight and Whisper on AROBTTH.But with X&Y theyre all soooo strong they could be singles,even Till Kingdom Come.How can they get any better than this?.The advancement from Parachutes to X&Y is incredible.

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Album of the year. Coldplay's best work so far.


Very true


As a huge DMB fan I can admit defeat. X&Y is amazing and surpasses In Between Dreams and Cold Roses for best album of 2005 for me.

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We all know how great White Shadows, Square one, and Fix You are. What about Twisted Logic? I think it's stellar. "You Go Backwards Again, You Go Forwards Again". God it's great


And Choldplayer, how could you skip Daylight???That song is sooooo good.

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I still like clocks, daylight, god put a smile and shiver better than anything on this album. But, both parachutes and rush of blood took me a week to fully appreciate, so I cant really say for sure.

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Album of the year. Coldplay's best work so far.


Very true


As a huge DMB fan I can admit defeat. X&Y is amazing and surpasses In Between Dreams and Cold Roses for best album of 2005 for me.


Ooh! An Ant - I know you. Totally agree with your post. And I'm obsessed with IBD......and DMB. ;)


White Shadows is def my favorite right now.

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I havent heard the whole thing thru.. but I have heard some songs that I was curious to hear.. ie Talk, Twisted Logic, and X&Y... I liked them.. havent disected them down yet.. but my favorite so far is X&Y and Fix You.. the chorus sounds so much more defined than when they do it live.. however they both give me equal amounts of goosebumps!! lol

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Definitely lovin the album, best so far... BUT, I'm not really liking Low that much, I almost made it through the album without a skippable track before that one. The not quiet part of Swallowed in the Sea, The Hardest Part, White Shadows, and of course everyone's favorite Fix You emerge as highlights after a couple listens.

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Ok this might be quite a long post, but i've alot i want to say about this album after only a few listens!


Firstly, I listened to it first time through a few hours ago, and listened really intently, and as expected i loved it! YAY! Unsurprisingly i liked best What If, Fix You, White Shadows, etc etc. Basically most of the ones that we'd heard before but wasn't too sure about, Twisted Logic, and The Hardest Part, and i've never been a big fan of Square One either. So i listen to it through again, and its the same thing.


Then, i had to go and do something rather unpleasant, which was i went and broke up with my GF, something i'd been putting off for a long time. On the walk back, i was feeling pretty emotional and the song X&Y kinda popped into my head, and it was kinda stuck together with Square One and Twisted Logic. And all i can say is that i had an experience like i've never had before, i can't really put it into words, we've all had the shivers from beautiful songs like Fix You, but this was like shivers on a different level, these 3 songs had got under my skin, and we're moving me emotionally on a level that i had never imagined was possible, and i wasn't even listening to them. It was unreal. So i got back and i've been listening to these 3 songs, and wow, they've just come alive to me, they are such powerful songs, and have blown every other song out of the water for my favourite 3 tracks on the album.


This has to be my album of the year so far, I love every song, apart from SoS which gets classed as a song i 'really like', and Twisted logic, X&Y and Square one, are just blowing my mind!


(Apologies if this triple posts or something because the board is running so slowly im getting error messages everywhere!)

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Ok this might be quite a long post, but i've alot i want to say about this album after only a few listens!


Firstly, I listened to it first time through a few hours ago, and listened really intently, and as expected i loved it! YAY! Unsurprisingly i liked best What If, Fix You, White Shadows, etc etc. Basically most of the ones that we'd heard before but wasn't too sure about, Twisted Logic, and The Hardest Part, and i've never been a big fan of Square One either. So i listen to it through again, and its the same thing.


Then, i had to go and do something rather unpleasant, which was i went and broke up with my GF, something i'd been putting off for a long time. On the walk back, i was feeling pretty emotional and the song X&Y kinda popped into my head, and it was kinda stuck together with Square One and Twisted Logic. And all i can say is that i had an experience like i've never had before, i can't really put it into words, we've all had the shivers from beautiful songs like Fix You, but this was like shivers on a different level, these 3 songs had got under my skin, and we're moving me emotionally on a level that i had never imagined was possible, and i wasn't even listening to them. It was unreal. So i got back and i've been listening to these 3 songs, and wow, they've just come alive to me, they are such powerful songs, and have blown every other song out of the water for my favourite 3 tracks on the album.


This has to be my album of the year so far, I love every song, apart from SoS which gets classed as a song i 'really like', and Twisted logic, X&Y and Square one, are just blowing my mind!


(Apologies if this triple posts or something because the board is running so slowly im getting error messages everywhere!)



Oh man oh man are you right. After several more listens through of the songs it keeps getting better. This is an album to just put on and let go. For Coldplay to continually put out albums where the whole thing is classic is phenomenal in my opinion. I know that as people listen more and after its release this album will attain true heights. An amazing album from an amazing group.

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