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Your Impressions of X&Y After Hearing it all, Finally


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i still remember needing repeated listens to love arobtth and parachutes... at first i didn't like daylight or everything's not lost but those are now two of my favs. i see no reason why X&Y should be different so i am not panicking at all. I am going to love it and that's all there is to it!

Same here. I remember hating A rush of blood to the head and Amsterdam and those two are my favorite in AROBTTH!


Funny how that works out!

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Swallowed in the Sea really stands out to me. WOw just WOw, chris' voice just flows with those great lyrics. Everything sounds just awesome. I soo enjoyed the live tracks and I can definitely tell that the band puts a lot of emotion into their shows. and after hearing these album tracks I am completely awed. I just really really love what I am hearing. great job guys. lots of hard work really pays off!

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but still its a great album but not like the first 2.

I believe that was the point ;)


I actually would like more piano myself, but then people would start talking that it was supposed to be a different album and it's not, so coldplay has run out of ideas, blah blah. It's better this way!

In fact this album is an half step ahead and 2 step behind the other 2 albums.

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My first impression after hearing this was....where's the piano? I know that they "reinvented" themselves and all that, but I was hoping for atleast one piano song.


Besides that...I do like it :) I'll probably have more opinions after I listen a few times and it sinks in more.

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square one: great opening, makes sure that X&Y is a different album than parachutes and rush of blood


what if: studio version is leaps and bounds better, all the orchestral parts and extra instrumentation makes this song infinitely richer and has obvious "Day in the Life" influences


white shadows: extends the different sound presented by square one, kinda feels like "Spies" which is definitely a good thing


fix you: brilliant, the harmony at the end is more apparent in the studio version, and its absolutely beautiful


talk: really really different than the leak, definitely echo and bunnymen feel, but this a great new sound and the new lyrics are far superior than the leak


X & Y: Right now, my favorite song on the album along with Fix You. The strings are beautiful in the intro and the drums enter and then change into an incredible chorus


Speed of Sound: great guitar work, picks up from where 'Clocks' left off


A Message: a very beautiful love song that reminds that this is still Coldplay


Low: A hard rocker with awesome dark lyrics. The bridge when the drum changes and Chris sings "I feel low" is awesome.


The Hardest Part: really great lyrics


Swallowed in the Sea: Also, amazing lyrics, a nice alt-country feel when the rest of the band enters.


Twisted Logic: Amazing song, dark, a fantasic closing song (since til Kingdom come is hidden) has a Coldplay original take on a Radiohead feel (which to me is a huge compliment). The drums finishes on a Politik-like riff, tipping its hat to the past, but obviously moving forward.


Til Kingdom Come: Never could hear the piano in the live recordings, but definitely can in the studio version, and it adds a great deal to the song.




Overall: Coldplay is continuing its change but keeps its integrity. They have produced their own sound as well as ventured into other ones successfully. Many of the songs start off simply, but then add parts and layers as the songs go on. In my opinion this is better than Rush of Blood just as Rush of Blood was better than Parachutes. They build off what they had before and continue to expand their sound. This is a great album and may be as influential in the 2000's as OK Computer was in the 90's. I couldn't be more satisfied with this album or more excited for what Coldplay will do next.

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I'm keeping listening that album 24h/day and the biggest problem is that the Chris voice in that album isn't intimate anymore but it's more rock and louded.


That's why I feel something important is missed.


They have simplified their music structures too. (I don't want to say banalized)


That album is build with more head and less heart.

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I'm keeping listening that album 24h/day and the biggest problem is that the Chris voice in that album isn't intimate anymore but it's more rock and louded.


That's why I feel something important is missed.


They have simplified their music structures too. (I don't want to say banalized)


That album is build with more head and less heart.


i dont know about that, i think chris's vocals in fix you are some of his most inspired and heartfelt yet.

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I'm keeping listening that album 24h/day and the biggest problem is that the Chris voice in that album isn't intimate anymore but it's more rock and louded.


That's why I feel something important is missed.


They have simplified their music structures too. (I don't want to say banalized)


That album is build with more head and less heart.


i dont know about that, i think chris's vocals in fix you are some of his most inspired and heartfelt yet.


Try to hear "Easy To Please" from the "Brothers & Sisters" EP.

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After listening to the album a few hundred times :) "a message" is the track that stands out the most to me, absolute vintage coldplay! "talk", "swallowed in the sea" and "fix you" are also stand out tracks, but i need to listen to it more before i can give it a definitive review.

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I'm not done listening yet, but each track is so excellent. Best ever I think. Yes. But I can't say I'm blown away, only because of the quality of the wma's. I'm 100% sure I'll be thoroughly blown away when I hear the actual album!

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Haha anyone else think that SOS almost sounds a bit out of place on this album now?...
No, SOS have a powerful bass line.


When the bass enter the first time you can feel it in under your skin, that happens exactly at 01:06.


So bad, those shivers doesnt' happens so much like in the previous albums.

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Anyone feel like I feel? The impact of the whole album has left me all in a daze (of course my current disturbed state of mind isn't helping much)... I'm confused. I can't decide whether I like it or not. :o


Is it possible that the album both blew my socks off and left me feeling totally disappointed at the same time??? I mean they have grown so much and improved and all that... but as I've said before (and still feel), they seem to have lost track of/interest in what I think is one of their main qualities - emotional accessibility - the intimacy of their music.


I'm not asking for a whole album full of that (a la Parachutes), but one or two songs in that vein (simple, unadorned) would be nice... In fact, I would argue this is what the album lacks & is the source polarising us fans into those who think this album is absolutely MEGA and those who feel Coldplay have lost it.

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I'm just listening it for the first time...


actually, I'm kinda disappointed :/ I sure expected more..


I'm now listening to Fix You, which I've heard before, live fomr SNL, now there's a song I like, not too mellow, and still coldplay-ly


I don't know.., I think its TOO mellow..


but who knows.., maybe for the 10th listened, I'll love it :P

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I don't think it's Coldplay's best record. I still think 'Parachutes' is because it was so fresh and so simple. It is better then 'A Rush of Blood to the Head' though. The lyrics have improved. However, the music has suddenly lost it's originality somewhat. I don't know if it's all those new bands that have embraced Coldplay's pioneering style of rock (i.e. keane) but Coldplay's unique sound has kinda melted away. I don't know if it was the sudden huge popularity after the last album, but I don't know. The emotion is there. It seems like they tried too hard to make it great. Like trying to overperfect it. This record truly is magnificent if only you are in the right mood to hear it. Just the freshness is gone. I wish Coldplay went into an experimental stage, to retain new originality. Alot of the sound seems the same of today's rock. I'm not going to compare it to the other records. I looked at this is one. But still, the magic is becoming to fall apart. They try to go for big so much but it's the small tracks that really blow you away (i.e. Fix You).


8/10 (That is still very high!)


My favorite tracks:

White Shadows

Fix You


A Message

Til Kingdom Come

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wow. okay, for the first time in so long i got hit with this feeling. seriously, 3 minutes ago i fell totally in love with coldplay. couldn't stop smiling. :D

it was in my place last time, and i was just listening to the hardest part and it hit me how amazing it actually is. :)


love it.

okay, my day has been made. i was waiting for that moment where i feel absolutly, completly satisfied with the music. yay.

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I absolutely love it. I think its brilliant. I'm dissapointed that so many are dissapointed. I don't think you can expect another parachutes.. It just won't happen again. They wanted something different from their first two albums. It still sounds like coldplay to me though and i love it. I like it more each time i listen to it so maybe people's opinions will change when they hear the album a few more times...



Favorite Songs:

Fix You

Square one



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