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Your Impressions of X&Y After Hearing it all, Finally


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i hate to be going against everyone here but i really think, as much as i like x&y, that the production is crap. if they wanted to sound like u2, they shouldve just hired eno. also, the guitars on "what if" are too low when they kick in, but thats just my opinion. otherwise, i think the album is pretty good. i also think that part of the reason x&y is receiving mixed reactions (myself included) is that it loses coldplays intimacy (i.e parachutes) AND its catchiness at the same time (i.e arobtth), instead going for a larger, stadium sound, without breaking new ground. but i like the songs. just not as successful as i think the record COULD have been. feel free to counter.

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i love x&y, but i agree, the production could have been better, maybe if they stuck with their old producer, but the album is pretty good, its a great album...i do think though that square one and talk and some other songs are produced quite well though

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my first impression when I heard some of the songs at the first concerts, before they released the album, was: "IT SUCKS!!!" ... I heard mostly all the songs by now, and watched the mtv special at sunday... and... I dont know really....


I agree with some of you, they lost something in the process, that "something" that made "parachutes" the greatest album and that something that I saw on them when I finally fall in love of their music...


They have very good tracks, and they all have improved like musicians, chris sings as beautiful as usual and they tried to change for good, but... uf!, I dont know...


the good thing is after listen some songs like 5 or 6 times I like them a little bit more, so, probably are like that songs that, the first time you heard them, they are just ok, but every time is better and better... I certainly hope so... because they are one of my favorite bands... :/


but, till, know: X & Y = 4 OR 5 STARS OF 10... :cry:



Mexico in your headlights: Zu

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This is my favorite album they've put out, I love every song. It's so fun listening to each song for the first time, all the way out and then replaying it again and again. I bet these songs are amazing live. I'm loving "Square One" and "Fix You" is beautiful and "Speed of Sound"....every single one is cool. I was surprised at the country twang the song "Til Kingdom Come" has and it's great. If I had to grade the CD I would give it an A or a 10.

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Square One. Holy shit this song is good! Definitely the best song on the album. "It doesn't matter who you aaaaaaare!" I love the transition to acoustic at the end.

Fix You. Wow! Geat song with a beautiful melody. Awsome drums in the end by Will. I guarantee you all that "Fix You" will be the winner of the Best Song category in this year's Grammy's. Without a doubt!

Til Kingdom Come. Despite the happy guitar I think that this song is well written and very deep. Rest in peace Johnny Cash!

White Shadows. Great song! It definitely has single potential. I love how the verses are constructed and the catchy but yet lovely chorus.

X&Y. I'm thinking Beatles when I hear this song. Especially at end with the violins. I'm thinking "Eleanor Rigby" now. Anyway, "X&Y" have also great lyrics and breathtaking guitar riffs signed by Mr. Buckland. I can't stop singing; "You and me are floating on a tidal wave."

Speed Of Sound. I also have to admit that "SOS" sounded lonely after hearing the rest of album. But that does not make the song bad, not at all. In fact it's one the best on the record.

A Message. I'm not into the song in particular, not yet anyway. But Chris' voice combined with those lyrics...wow!


Twisted Logic.

What If.


Swallowed By The Sea.

The Hardest Part.


Talk. Sorry but I really don't like it. But I think that it will grow on me. When I first bought "Rush" I liked "A Whisper" least. Now I think it's the best song on that album. So we'll see.


Btw, I'm sorry if this looks like a review or something. That was not my purpose. Keep it up everybody! :D

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X&Y. I'm thinking Beatles when I hear this song. Especially at end with the violins. I'm thinking "Eleanor Rigby" now. Anyway, "X&Y" have also great lyrics and breathtaking guitar riffs signed by Mr. Buckland. I can't stop singing; "You and me are floating on a tidal wave."





Fav song of the album so far... I hope they do at at their gigs

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I was never a huge fan of AROBTTH, so this ranks above that by a lot. There's no snoozers on here like A Whisper or Daylight. I can't stop playing White Shadows, X&Y, Fix You, Square One, What If, and Low. The only song I can't get into is Twisted Logic.

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Mh. it's been said, x&y is not as relaxed as parachutes & AROBTTH.


well what I miss on the album is the rock. YEAH I know Coldplay are no hardrock band or what, but you don't find something like GPASUYF or stuff on the album. I know many of you hate it, but I LOVE Coldplay's rockiest song, 1.36, I was so hoping to hear something like that.

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Well, I finally got the real thing today so here are my two cents:


Square One:

Amazing opener. I was never a hardcore fan of Politik as a opener for AROBTTH (sorry! :/ ), but this is great. I love the violin sounding guitar that comes about around the second verse. And the electronic parts, percussion thingys, are guuuid. The way it ends, with a simple acoustic guitar... Lovely! 8/10


What If:

Beautiful song. Sends chills down my spine. However, I get tired of it cos it's too slow-paced in the beginning. Great to have that simple piano back tho. 7/10


White Shadows:

WOAH. Words cannot describe how I feel for this song. The little church-organ sounding chord at the beginning... When I hear it... Undescribable! Sorry!

I love the lyrics. At a whole, AWESOME track! 10/10


Fix You:

Love the beginning. Love how it builds up. Love how he sings it. Great! 8/10



This is certainly better than the leaked version imo. The lyrics to that one were slightly better, yes, but musically the song was repetitive and boring. This version isn't! The guitarsolo fits so good, and how it switches back to the old chorus at the end is a awesome little twist. 9/10



Strings are really beautiful. Has some amazing guitar. And I really like the lyrics too. Must not listen to much tho, it gets ... I dunno. Old. 7/10


Speed Of Sound:

If I don't look at the fact that the lead melody is EXACTLY the same as in Clocks (the guys got lazy on this one obviously!), it's a great song. Atmospheric feel... Nice mixing the piano with guitar. Good lyrics. Tend to skip this, since I've listened to it so much already. 7/10


A Message:

I can't say I adore the lyrics, but the music is good. Nice to hear that acoustic guitar again. 7/10



Great great great track. The "spoons" at the 2 min mark are MEGA. Love the lyrics. Different track for Coldplay indeed. Should be a single! 8/10


The Hardest Part:

A bit "old Coldplay" sounding, don't ya think? I'm glad the piano is there again in this one. Very refreshing listen, not as atmospheric as the other ones. Melody is one of the best Coldplay has ever come up with imo. But the odd sounding electric guitar in the second verse is just wrong! Doesn't fit at all. 8/10


Swallowed In The Sea:

I'm not too sure what to think of this track. The lyrics are a bit ridiculous at parts. It's very relaxing tho, and I really like the guitar that kicks in at 02:12. 6/10


Twisted Logic:

Ok, I'll stop writing "tho" now. :P

A dark and moody song with great lyrics. Definitely need to listen to this more, I can feel it's a grower. 7/10


'Til Kingdom Come:

Maybe a grower too? Cos right now it sounds boring. Don't get me wrong, I love Coldplay's acoustic stuff.. But this doesn't sound too special. 6/10


On a whole: Not counting the "downers", it's a really good album. The more I listen the more I'll discover. I don't really like rating, but for know: 8/10. Cos I know it will grow on me. ;)


Still haven't decided if this is better than AROBTT. It certainly doesn't have songs such as Clocks or In My Place, but it's a very strong, firm and excessive sounding album. Great work, lads.

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Hey: Jude don't say it bad

They took some sad songs and made them blander

Remember to let it out of your heart

Then you can start to make it better


Hey Jude, he ain't afraid

You were made to be even better

The minute you get it out from your skin

X and Yyyyyyyy

You're no bedwetter


And anytime you feel the pain, like Jude, refrain

Don't put in the Keane, go for vocoder

For well you know that it's a fool who likes to drool

While hearing a celeb cry on shoulders

Nah nah nah nah nah nah-nah-naaah


Hey Jude

Don't let us drown

Don't allow us to be swallowed

In that shredder

Keep out of the lifestyle music machine

Your mind will be unfettered


So turn it off and turn it on, like Jude, keep strong

You're waiting for music to be reborn with

And don't you know that it's not you, even Jude might too

(enjoy Coldplay until this foreskin)

Nah nah nah nah nah nah-nah-naaah


Hey, Jude don't say it bad

Take these sad songs and cut the tether

Remember, bad music is hardly a sin

This album's just empty

Let him dismember


Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude

Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude (fade out)

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Andi]x&y is the best album' date=' that i've ever heard!!!!! when I first heard it, it was so amazing how good it is. all songs are great. that is music-history[/quote']



What I want you to do right now is print out this page, and put this comment in a drawer somewhere, so that forty years from now while tidying out your room as you prepare to move out of your parents' house for the first time you find this particular nugget of pure, unadulterated idiocy and realise how utterly, utterly ignorant you were about music when you were 18. Get to it, skippy.

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Andi]x&y is the best album' date=' that i've ever heard!!!!! when I first heard it, it was so amazing how good it is. all songs are great. that is music-history[/quote']



What I want you to do right now is print out this page, and put this comment in a drawer somewhere, so that forty years from now while tidying out your room as you prepare to move out of your parents' house for the first time you find this particular nugget of pure, unadulterated idiocy and realise how utterly, utterly ignorant you were about music when you were 18. Get to it, skippy.


Wow. I want you to print out this page and give it to a mod so they can kick you off.

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Andi]x&y is the best album' date=' that i've ever heard!!!!! when I first heard it, it was so amazing how good it is. all songs are great. that is music-history[/quote']



What I want you to do right now is print out this page, and put this comment in a drawer somewhere, so that forty years from now while tidying out your room as you prepare to move out of your parents' house for the first time you find this particular nugget of pure, unadulterated idiocy and realise how utterly, utterly ignorant you were about music when you were 18. Get to it, skippy.


Wow. I want you to print out this page and give it to a mod so they can kick you off.

Don't cry, junior.

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When I first heard thie album I was afraid they wouldnt top the first two albums. After Till Kingdom Comes ended, I was still in a state of shock, confusion and awe. The songs were brilliant, but I couldnt really tell the difference between songs like Square One, White Shadows, and X&Y.

Then I listened to the whole album again and realised how exceptionally beautiful each and every one of the songs on this album are. Each one of them stands out on their own, its amazing.

Tops AROBTTH, definitely, in many aspects.

I can't say which track's my fave, cuz I'm addicted to all of them. Except Twisted Logic.

There isnt a song that gives you a minute to breathe though...

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