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Should _IT_ be banned? It's useless!


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IT is all around you, wIThin you, between you (wtf?). IT lies deep wIThin your soul waITing for you to accept the great power IT beholds. but only until you accept IT, IT will lie dormant, causing you to fill your life wITh emptyness and deep, dark regret for the rest of your hopeless existence. do not go into denial, this will only cause your heart to fill with blackness. now, no-one wants a BLACK UGLY SOUL, do they? :stunned:

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hmm i'd recomend all you different puppetmasters of _IT_ stop playing with it for a lil while just to avoid less confusion and this kind of threads' date=' thank you in advance :)[/quote']


funny but in this thread mc_squared has been yet the only one complaining about _IT_'s presence. _IT_'s one of the rare funny things there are left on this board and if you're taking it away too, don't expect to see me around that much either. i understand if it's the majority's opinion but i think there has been more confusing and annoying things to be get rid of it on the board than just some dude named _IT_ who hasn't even made fun of anyone or insulted people. or at least from what i've seen. i can be wrong but like idk, you tell me.

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Well, as mod i cannot take sides about this , i dont really mind this game even though i didnt really know how it was working.I'm not taking anything away because i'm not an admin i just said please lets stop it for 1 or 2 days til we sort things out since we've had enough negatives threads recently( last night for example). I left for a few hrs and found about 5 threads of rubbish,and according to some pm i got,_IT_ may have dissed a member of this board? I dont really know, and if that was true, who is it to blame?I'm just trying to dig about what happened so i'm asking for some understanding here please. We already lost Ari and i'd hate to see you go over this non-sense as well Lotta.

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Guest LiquidSky

Aw yeah..The reason of why it's here:


Because there shouldn't be such threads like this..it's like.. doing a poll about whether Busybeeburns should be banned or not :rolleyes: :dozey:


I mean wtf? :lol:

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Guest LiquidSky

aww cool.. I say "wth?" most of the time..but for this is more like wtf? because it is :lol:

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