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Lance Armstrong Tour De France


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He isn't so great. He only won one stage this year anyway.

Yes, I realise the cancer thing was a great acheivment but he has never even competed on any other championship...


maybe its "cool" to diss Lance but 'isnt so great' is probably the most asinine thing you could say about this achievment. He won arguably the most difficult championship to win in any sports out there, and he did it 7 times. The course changes every year, so not going for other championships doesn't mean he lacks diversity in his ability, it means he's focused on the most important thing in his sport. Would Roger Federer be playing satellite tourneys in tennis in random ass cities? I think not, waste of time if he can just go ahead and win wimbledon. Plus who cares about stage wins? Ultimate results go in the history books.

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I agree with burningmonk

Roger Federer wouldn't cosidered to be as good as he is if he only competed in Wimbledon. He is the best tennis player because he can win just about every tournament (except for the Roland Garros)

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