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I often feel like i dont want to be here

I dont want to life or to breath or to see.

Knowing how useless the world is

I cant help wishing not to be.

Its only when your life is good that your happy

when you own the world in your hand

But if the price is lots of money

Then i would sooner leave this land.


Its useless to complain about the worlds shallowness

How we force ourselves to believe we have a worth

The western world tries to help the east

Trying to fix the hurts of the earth.

Hurts bestowed many years ago.

By greed and power and want.

These are a human code

The basis of its font.


So when you think of the world you live in

Dont think of greatness and grandure

Look at first on where to begin

Know of the start to be sure

Your children are most important.

They need most the help.


This is probably not going to be any good. I just this moment wrote it.

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well, we had to write a mission statement or something during class today, and this is what I wrote... it sucks IMO, but oh well...


^nice, btw. :)


nice poems everyone. :)



Mission Statement


I am more than carbon

and chemicals

I am a human

with heart and soul


my life has a purpose

keep that in mind

somehow I will contribute

to the world and human kind


my voice will not be overtaken--

I will make it loud and clear

my purpose will be know to others

it will be for all to hear


I will rise above the others

I won't let myself follow the crowd

I will stand up for who I am

my message will be heard out loud...

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Ok. Not so much poetry. These are some of my own Quotes.




Is love just a notian?

Or is it mother natures way of forming a bond between man and woman.

For the benifit of the children?

Or maybe a chemical reaction, purely biological.

Who knows?

It is not my place to question the thoughts of my betters.

Especially not mother nature.




I am not religious.

But if i was i would want to know why religion causes so much pain.

I would want to know why religion causes so much death.




A wise man said, "Wars keep the population down".

I am inclined to agree with him.

But surely there is a better way?

A less painful way.

Why not have smaller families?

That keeps the population down.

Its also less painfull


The meaning of life.


In contemplating the meaning of life.

I came to the conclusion that there is none.

This might sound morbid but life is finite.

It comes to an end.

It doesn't matter

If you have

a long one

or a short one

It doesn't matter

If it's full of good deeds

Or whether your a crook

Nothing you do in live matters, because you are fated to die anyway.

The only thing you can do

Is live life to the fullest

Take everyday as it comes

If you can in some way make the world a better place

Then you have found the meaning of life

I would hate to think

That we were put on this earth

Simply to reproduce

That carnal instinct to populate the human race

There has to be a higher purpose.

For why are we






If not to make

a difference in the world?


Michael Trowbridge. Aka Silverion. 30/10/2005.


Hope these have not bored you guys

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A poem I wrote yesterday......well,it's a bit like "Fix you",because I listened to it during I wrote the poem!


When you miss a chance of getting something

When every star doesn't blink

When you look up to the sun

and you don't feel then like everyone

When you see the deep blue sky

and the only thing you could do is to cry

When the sun shines on your brain

but you'r efeeling inside like rain

When butterflies are flying in the air

and all you do is that you don't care

When all these things will happen someday

and all that you can do is pray

then do it just from time to time

and I'll tell you it'll soon be fine!

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Ok here's a poem I wrote this evening.it really happened of course! :)


I saw you again this morning

and this happened without any warning

I just saw you standing there

and about me you didn't even care!

Hey,but why should you care about myself?

I know tthere were chances,more than twelve!

I thought about you for such a long time

and no thinking is no crime!

Whenever I saw you at a party or somewhere

there was this feeling I didn't want to share!

Then there was nothing else for me than you

and yes I didn't know what to do!

I observed you then from hour to hour

for me you were like a growing flower.

You are one of the nicest persons I've ever met,

and thinking about waisted chances make me upset!

I don't know if you ever noticed that I loved you,

if I told you maybe it had been something new.

But I think it was just too obvious

because my behaviour sometimes was really ridiculous!

And I'll tell you something this is no lie

to ask you for love I was just too shy!!!




Wow I noticed that this is one of my best poems I've ever written! :stunned:

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Guest LiquidSky

A poem I wrote yesterday......well,it's a bit like "Fix you",because I listened to it during I wrote the poem!


When you miss a chance of getting something

When every star doesn't bling (<<Does that exist???)

When you look up to the sun

and you don't feel then like everyone

When you see the deep blue sky

and the only thing you could do is to cry

When the sun shines on your brain

but you'r efeeling inside like rain

When butterflies are flying in the air

and all you do is that you don't care

When all these things will happen someday

and all that you can do is pray

then do it just from time to time

and I'll tell you it'll soon be fine!


Aww nice! But it's blink.. not bling.. bling is jewelry :wink: :D


Ok here's a poem I wrote this evening.it really happened of course!


I saw you again this morning

and this happened without any warning

I just saw you standing there

and about me you didn't even care!

Hey,but why should you care about myself?

I know tthere were chances,more than twelve!

I thought about you for such a long time

and no thinking is no crime!

Whenever I saw you at a party or somewhere

there was this feeling I didn't want to share!

Then there was nothing else for me than you

and yes I didn't know what to do!

I observed you then from hour to hour

for me you were like a growing flower.

You are one of the nicest persons I've ever met,

and thinking about waisted chances make me upset!

I don't know if you ever noticed that I loved you,

if I told you maybe it had been something new.

But I think it was just too obvious

because my behaviour sometimes was really ridiculous!

And I'll tell you something this is no lie

to ask you for love I was just too shy!!!




Wow I noticed that this is one of my best poems I've ever written


Sounds like me, Julia! or at least that was me on Friday.. :dozey: :lol: Nice poem, I liked it.. :D I'll type mine tomorrow, 'cause I still have to think of what exactly I'm going to write about.. :shifty:

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Well, just because it's raining...




A Heart of Stone


She walks through the cobbled path

Past the bench where she once sat

Her footsteps echo in hollow gloom

Past the boxes on which violets bloom.


Do you care if she just speaks her mind,

And do you care if she leaves everything behind?

A life she once lived with undoubtable relish

But you waved her off, thinking her as foolish.


The truth is that she is leaving

Away from a love not worth keeping

Away from the hurt and despair

A broken heart you failed to repair.


As she walks through the torrential rain

You think that she would crawl back in vain

But she casts a faint shadow into the night

With a heart of stone you turned tonight.

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kind of rushed...



A Heart In My Hand


I sit here all alone in my room

Eveything is dark, in hopeless gloom

My mind is full, with thoughts unknown

But my heart is empty, in great forlorn.


I sit here with a heart in my hand

Would I hold it forever, or bury it in the sand?

A heart you left with me one cold night

With a tear in your eye, you went out of sight.


This left me all dazed and confused

I promised you care, but now I refuse

The heart you left me beats no longer

Would you expect me to keep it forever?


But still I am clutching it tight

Praying things will be all right

This heart in my hand I will give

A chance to beat, a reason to live.


For whatever reason I am holding on

Can't understand, must be love I reckon

Still I sit here in my room, with hope

For this heart's owner to come back home.

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I just love a little destruction...



The Damned


A blip in the map

A dust in space

You are nothing

You are insignificant

But are you?


A needle in a haystack

A white elephant

You are something

You are important

But are you?


Able bodied men covered in blood

Someone's toil is somebody's gain

This blue orb enveloped in flood

Of apparent misery in blackened rain.


You are a speck

But you are a pearl

You are insignificant

And yet important.


Little children bathed in sweat

Someone's gem is somebody's death

This blue orb of idiosyncrasy

Of fevered hope and lost opportunity.


You are a dust in space

A white elephant on a race

You are nothing

But you are something

You are the damned,

Can't you see it creeping?

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You are so serious

So fast you leapt

But never did so wept

I watched with awe

How could you have been

so low?


You are so serious

A gun in your hand

So certain in your stand

I was so petrified

How could you have been

so undignified?


You are so serious

The roses that you brought

For the love that you sought

Yet I am so cold

How could you have been

so bold?


You are so serious

A tear in your wake

For the breath that you staked

And I am so ashamed

For I am the only one

to be blamed.

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This might sound egotistic to some of you. But i feel you Panicator have raised a challenge :D In a good way of course. Just done this.




The simple plan. A deck of cards

No one can guess my hand.

Least its hoped.

Surely not am i a speck of sand


Take a gamble and know the risk

No one can guess my thought

Least its hoped

Surely not am i a fish caught.


I lay my cards down one by one

Did they fall for the bluff?

I hope and i pray for luck

Maybe they have had enough


Gun in hand i wait my doom

Will blood be shed today?

The eye of the beholder looms

There is no other way


In a rage he stumbles up

Cheater cheater he cries

Frightend panic pull the trigger

Blown away accuser dies

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Count the eggs but not the hen.

If I am a supremacist,

Then you are a narcissist.

Build the stage in the world,

And drown the halls with your word.

Let the blind lead but not follow,

A sweet victory for the shallow.

Build me a dam, for this is who I am,

And if you believe this is a scam,

Pretend you're deaf,

If you want to be the only one left.

Death to the heathen,

You never are my brethren.

You could taste evil in the air,

Who can save you now from despair?

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A challenge was spoken

The beast awoken

the chains broken

and all hell is free


The misery

Of its destiny

to bring mutiny

the devils way


the horrible laughter

heard from the rafters

of its evil master

echoes down the hall


The nightmare scream

From behind the screen

only heard in dream

whilst you sleep the night away


The last dying thought

Twich the monster thought

Oh damn im caught

and so he fell away

and so he fell away

and so he fell away.


Challenge answered :smug:


Good luck :D

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let 'em loose



everybody thinks you should


on the A positive blood


in the live negative hood


your house of wood

they would



white boy in birmingham

made him

the sacrificial lamb

not respected

as a man

hold on

tight as you can


the angry ram

you live

in the wrong land

trap you

in the wrong hands

when they shoot you

per se cute you

when they beat you

their words eat you

hold on

tight as you can

forget being treated

like a real man


since when

were you superman?

just hold on

if you can

until it makes you

a real man

sacrifice yourself

you forget your wealth

you forget yourself

sacrifice your wealth

money introduce

minds induce

power loose

vengeance refuse

ride the caboose

don't be obtuse

your brothers and sisters are wandering without direction

into a dark place with no loving protection

let 'em loose

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