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well....I think one main point why there is a thread like this one, is criticism.....I can't understand why people feel hurt by this


I totally agree. but ....... if they don't want criticism.. maybe they can do a special thread for them like that like "poetry with no criticism and no thebestyoucans"

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awwwwwwww....no thebestyoucans sounds funny.....:blush:


:blush: what is poetry without thebestyoucans?

it is poetry without thebestyoucans I say :cry: sad

to leave poetry alone without that. because

I is obsessed


by the way. have you heard muse-easily ? :stunned:


it makes me want to hump matt like nobody wants to know :wideeyed:

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yes. opinions are worthless. but it is someone's opinion when they say they like a poem as well as when they don't like it. To me it means something. I was going to show you some cliche things that people do. That is not necessarily my opinion since I know for a FACT that people writing poetry do cliche things. And for a FACT, people do not like cliches. It is also my opinion, but it is not solely my opinion that cliches are not as interesting as novel ideas.


If you think all criticism is bad then you are wrong. I was not trying to hurt you, your feelings or your poetry. In fact, I was going to try and see if what I said MIGHT help you in your writing. And just because I can help you doesn't mean I think I am the greatest by any means. I am by no means great and I never once remember bragging to anyone about my poetry unless it was a joke. I want everyone in this thread to criticize my poetry. I would actually prefer people to tell me why they do or do not like it than just to say "I don't like it" or "I love it" whatever...


The reason I wanted to give you criticism was not to embarrass you unlike you assumed. I wasn't just giving my opinion either, it is a widely shared opinion I wanted to give you. I do not give my opinion solely on anything unless it is helpful. In this case it might have been since I am not the only one who has the opinion I was going to state.


I wanted to do what I want other people to do for my poetry. I want people to say why they don't or do like it.


Oh..you mean I'm a cliche?

Well, that's a relief. :thinking:


Listen...I don't see why did you have to go all this length...I wasn't hurt or anything. I told you what I think - so I don't really care for what your "advices" :wink: & that's just it.

I see poetry as a "tool" to express...if I express one way, I won't be down because by you it's uninteresting.

To tell you the truth, I've no idea why do I post poems here...I really don't.

But it's certainly not for the kind like you to go feeling like my "saviour", big brother or whatever; to go feeling you have a role in making my poems better.

By that (attitude), it's quite clearly what do you think of yourself. ;) Which is actually not bad at all...it's positive.

But once YOU get perfect, you will be more than welcome to comment/and be sure in your words/ anyone's work...but till then - sayonara.

And as of that matter, do you really think there are rules in poetry? Or even general, art? And do you think you're capable enough to know what art is good and what is bad?


Oh, and about those "widely shared opinions"...I don't write for others. I write for myself. And it seems rather pointless to listen to other ppl...I mean, what do they know about me that I don't? Read it or don't. It's as simple as that.

In the end, I'm actually quite intrigued in what you had to say.



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in other words. in your opinion. everyone's opinion is worthless when it comes to your poetry. ok then



If I like it...mission accomplished. :nice:


And it's not just my poetry...it's my life. If I were to live by what others tell...I wouldn't be here where I am now ;)

But I don't criticize conformism.

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Emo personality is also often connected with writing poetry, which addresses confusion, depression, loneliness, and angerall resulting from the world's inability to understand the author.Emo poetry uses a combination of any of: a highly emotional tone, stream of consciousness writing, references to the flesh, especially the heart, heavy use of dark or depressing adjectives, concern over the mutability of time and/or love



what I mean is, why do people always write about that? it's nice to read a love poem once in a while but all the time? there are more things in this world :wacko:


I agreee with you... well most people starts writing poetry when they are in love, but they start writing about unlove because the loved one is not in love with the poet, that's a bit depressing by itself... well there are lots of other topic to write about... society, history, myths, politics (my first poems were social and political ones)... but i don't think i will ever write a poem about any machine... you there were some periods in writing history in which the writers wrote about a topic a bit bizarre... anyways every writer have his/her particular obsesions, i think it's a normal things... in fact i think that's what makes them get their own style.


i don't know if i've explained very well...

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I agreee with you... well most people starts writing poetry when they are in love, but they start writing about unlove because the loved one is not in love with the poet, that's a bit depressing by itself... well there are lots of other topic to write about... society, history, myths, politics (my first poems were social and political ones)... but i don't think i will ever write a poem about any machine... you there were some periods in writing history in which the writers wrote about a topic a bit bizarre... anyways every writer have his/her particular obsesions, i think it's a normal things... in fact i think that's what makes them get their own style.


i don't know if i've explained very well...


I think you explained very well. To go along with what you've said it's good to have a variety in poetic history. It's also good for a poet to have a variety in his own style I believe. But of course you are right. every poet has to find his/her niche. There is a bandwagon way of writing that people slip into also. For instance on the radio there are bands and groups that write about very similar things because they think it's great to them somehow. Rap, for instance talks about rims, demeaning women, etc.


So what I'm trying to say is to agree with you and that a poet/songwriter/journalist/novelist/etc should be careful that the style is not simply conformist.

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a poem i wrote a while ago because I was feeling all fuzzy


go ahead


let's write a song

i'll sing along

go ahead

what can go wrong?


pluck a string

start to sing

go ahead

i'll be listening


set me ablaze

with your firey gaze

go ahead

it makes me craze


look up above

all things we're free of

go ahead

i've fallen in love


let's sail the blue

just us two

go ahead

i'll be loving you

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a poem i wrote a while ago because I was feeling all fuzzy


go ahead


let's write a song

i'll sing along

go ahead

what can go wrong?


pluck a string

start to sing

go ahead

i'll be listening


set me ablaze

with your firey gaze

go ahead

it makes me craze


look up above

all things we're free of

go ahead

i've fallen in love


let's sail the blue

just us two

go ahead

i'll be loving you



good one friend. ;) :thumbsup:

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A Scene From A Dream


If love is not the answer

Then maybe I misunderstood

If you weren't trying

Then maybe I shouldn't think you would


The scene from a dream

Impossible as you seem

I try to love you

Wrong colours I put into

Personal painting I drew


Where am I

Where did you leave me

What are you achieving?

Am I in your arms?

Will you stay or are you leaving?

In your hands?

Or are they empty?

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