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One of my 18 Nissan videos


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oh yeah how could i forget(i didn't really :D)..


yes i am back to my normal self again. my cousin(also my doctor)

hooked me up with a prescription that cleared it all up in a matter

of days. thanks again for the kind words.. they helped. :smug:

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Actually in all seriousness... I'd be more disturbed if a member of the opposite sex wanted to.. "buttsecks".. me.


The only thing scarier than a guy wanting to buttsecks you... is a girl wanting to buttsecks you.


and this is officially my strangest.. most unrelated post.. in this forum.


you're welcome everyone.. but you are not welcome anywhere near my ass.



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  • 2 weeks later...

That's just my expression. It started at my school, because at my school if you "loved" something, someone would ask "Oh yeah, then why don't you marry it?". Well then that turned into "Then why don't you have sex with it?".


So me and my best friend were like "Yeah, we love each other" and someone responded with "Then why don't you have sex with each other?" and I responded with the buttsecks statement. Now it's a widely used expression at our school.


The End.

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