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Chris & Johnny about the New album!


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i have said it before. i fear that chris has taken so much of the criticism about coldplay being "bland and predictable" to heart, that he is going to go too far in another direction. change just for change sake is not a great motivation to do something different. i just worry about our precious coldplay :cry:

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It's no problem what style they go into---unless it's rap or country. :)


I have bad news. Some lyrics leaked...


Yellow Bling


look at my crunk

look how they shines funk

yeah, check my gold

yeah it be all yellow

I came along

I dropped a rhyme for you

[beeeeeeeeep] do

and it be all yellow

So then I took my cadillac

oh what a thing to have done

and it was all yellow


your naked body

oh yeah your naked body and skeletal structure

turn into something beautiful [beep]

and you know

you know I see yo bones

you know I see yo back bones


I'm tha boss

I be the boss of you

[beeeeeeeeep] do

'cos you were all yellow

doc drew a line

doc drew a line for you

now you got bigga [beep]

an they be all crunkified


yo softe skin

oh yeah yo softe skin and bones

turn into something beautiful [beep]

and you know

nobody got spinnaz like sly

'cept now mine is funkdified


it's true

look how i shine boo

look how i shine boo

look how my crunkified necklace shine for

look how i shine boo

look how i shine boo

look how i shine [beep]


look at the cars

look how they shine boo

an they be all crunkified

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^^^ :lol: :lol: :lol: Majorly funny.


At this point, I'd advocate change... Whatever huge change they can think of... The bigger the better. Coz I know in the end, they can't ignore the sales part of their music... True, they may not be aiming to sell as much as X&Y anymore, but still, they'll expect themselves to sell a few million copies at least... Now that won't happen unless they produce good stuff. Which is good news to me... Coz no matter what direction they take, rest assured the music will be good, and won't sound like it's beyond their ability. I say bring on the rap and hip-hop... As long as it sounds like proper rap/hip-hop and not them just imitating/ridiculing the style. Personally though, I think country (ala A Message, Lost Highway etc) is one direction they'd do very well in... I always wish they'd do a little bit more of that though it's not very popular with one section of their fans. Maybe they could gain new fans doing that? :D

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Chris wants to... blow our socks off


From GigWise


Coldplay Talk About Their Next Album

It'll "blow your socks off"...


by Scott Colothan on 10/13/2005 More News...



Despite still being in the middle of intense touring, Coldplay have revealed that they are already busy working on new material.


Chris Martin admitted that with their third album ‘X & Y’, the band have finished the first stage of their career and will be moving on to new territory with their next long-player.


The frontman said: “We’re always working on new material. We’ve got no laurels to rest on, man. We’re still looking for our laurels in my opinion.


”We’ve everything to prove and we’ve finished phase one of Coldplay and now we’re gonna enter phase two, which could be the Abba phase it could be the transvestite phase, who knows, but it’ll definitely be good.


“It’s not a reaction against anything as much as an evolvement. But the new record’s gonna blow your socks off. Or tights, depending on what you’re wearing.”


Band guitarist added in the xfm interview: “We don’t want to keep doing the same thing all the time.”


We look forward to their East-Bulgarian-Acid-Techno-Funkathon with fervent anticipation. Hmm.

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im nervous and excited.....change is always good. trying new things, why not?

now...the thing about going on a different direction...i just hope they dont mean "drastic changes" like getting new wardrobe, choreography, pop music, rap lyrics, disco beats, afros or any unusual stuff. yikes!

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They really need to change. X&Y is not band, but it's just the same stuff like AROBTTH. There's too many bands that sound like Coldplay, nowadays. People could get tired of the same supper every year.

Mid 2006 will see the release of the new Keane cd. And there's a rumored new album by U2, too...

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Can you really see a so drastic change ? ;)

It's their own music, it's their own sound. I don't think they'll go Erasure next year ;) Maybe an Erasure-like video (cos they're so boring, lately...), but they have a drummer, a bassist, a guitarist and a singer/piano player... :)

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when i say a drastic change, i really wish chris wouldnt

a) trade his piano for something else

b) stop playing piano

c) stop making cool ballads

d) become rap star

e)let gwyn sing (unless they so something extremely creative)

f)..... :huh:

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