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Chris & Johnny about the New album!


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I think they could do some amazing things. The band is already amazing. The biggest thing I'd like to see are some dark songs from Chris. But of course what made me fall in love with this band wasn't dark lyrics. So if they have to keep the old style then so be it. They've done it well for years.

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Change is good...


I'm fairly excited about all of this. I can see it going a couple of ways:


1. They could strip everything down and go back to gently strumming guitars and gentle piano (Parachutes, We Never Change, etc)


2. Could be a more radical change--actually changing genres (I don't really think this one will happen. Just a feeling).


3. Or it could be just some early thoughts and Album 4 really won't be all that different.


Should be interesting though. If they've already started working on the next one, how long do you think the wait will be? They're still touring for quite a while, so the probably don't have time to record.

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Well I do think they're going to change a lot. However, I don't think that they'll be changing genres. I think the songs might get a little more world issue-ish? That seems like a possibility to me. Since they're thinking about working with Timbaland :dozey: he will probably try to put his own spin on a beat... That's something that scares me sort of. On the other hand it could be good... I just want to hear a real drummer and not some weak beat... I'm not saying anything against Will. I'm saying their producer might try to weaken the beat as Mark Baston (a producer for people like Eminem and Seal) weakened the beat for the last Dave Matthews Band album, Stand Up. The Dave Matthews Band drummer is one of the greatest playing today but the producer decided to go with a very raw beat on a few songs and it was quite dissapointing for the fans including myself.

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So true! :lol:


Really though, I don't care what happens. They're on a role and if that energy can be taken and applied to a studio setting, this record should be amazing. No matter what the genre. Or whatever.


I would love a Coldplay album to have a "PARENTAL ADVISORY" on the package. That would just be the funniest thing. Ever. No, I'm just joking. It would be amusing though...

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So true! :lol:


Really though, I don't care what happens. They're on a role and if that energy can be taken and applied to a studio setting, this record should be amazing. No matter what the genre. Or whatever.


I would love a Coldplay album to have a "PARENTAL ADVISORY" on the package. That would just be the funniest thing. Ever. No, I'm just joking. It would be amusing though...

don't jinx us now :goofy:

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Parental Advisory on a Coldplay album :lol:


wow, that would be quite a change. :stunned: :stunned: now i can picture this headline:


"From G-rated ballads and vegan treats to alcohol, R-rated explicit lyrics..and a whole lot more :sneaky: !"

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I don't understand why people say they don't like X&Y...


Some thing's that've been said...


a) overproduced (blame the producer? :lol: )

b) Too much of the same old thing dressed up in a bigger sound

c) lousy lyrics

d) band members have personalities that're too tame :P (wrong answer... Next!)

e) nothing really grabs you right away like it used to in Parachutes & AROBTTH

f) sounds too much like too many other people (e.g. Radiohead, grandaddy, Kate Bush, and I guess half the artistes found in the whole universe :rolleyes: :lol:)

g) Chris whines too much, Jon sounds too much like the Edge, Guy & Will are too unremarkable to be criticised...


:lol: :lol: :lol: *looks evil* :wink3:

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^ i agree! people have said cruel things like that...i just agree with the first one at a certain point, x&y is a little overproduced. but that doesnt make x&y a bad album. geez! some critics really need to pay attention! :stunned:

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I think so too Sienna. Maybe a bit overproduced. But we've got to let the guys do their things. If they try to stay with piano driven ballads forever and ever ala Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head I know I'd be happy, but eventually they'd all get bored and the quality wouldn't be quite as good. I'm excited. Change can bring about some seriously great music...it brings new inspiration when you try something different, and that usually brings better music than if you try to repeat (and make better) what you've always done in the past.


R rated Coldplay...oh dear...that made me laugh :lol:

Can you imagine that? Chris and Kanye rapping up a storm and dropping f words everywhere...

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I think so too Sienna. Maybe a bit overproduced. But we've got to let the guys do their things. If they try to stay with piano driven ballads forever and ever ala Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head I know I'd be happy, but eventually they'd all get bored and the quality wouldn't be quite as good. I'm excited. Change can bring about some seriously great music...it brings new inspiration when you try something different, and that usually brings better music than if you try to repeat (and make better) what you've always done in the past.


R rated Coldplay...oh dear...that made me laugh :lol:

Can you imagine that? Chris and Kanye rapping up a storm and dropping f words everywhere...

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to tell you the truth, initially I was kinda shocked with the new album because I wasn't very familiarized with those songs...but then I started to listen to it more often and now I can see that's an amazing album!I can't live without it anymore! :P

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