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they were xm darlings, performed on cdusa in 2006 or 2007, sxsw. but i guess i was lucky to hear about them. =)


OH my gosh they were at sxsw???? THAT'S IN MY CITY!




also, im a pretty new Mew fan, and i just downloaded a bunch of their songs and i watched the video for Special....JONAS IS SO HOT IN IT!!!! :heart:

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OH my gosh they were at sxsw???? THAT'S IN MY CITY!




also, im a pretty new Mew fan, and i just downloaded a bunch of their songs and i watched the video for Special....JONAS IS SO HOT IN IT!!!! :heart:


you and i will get along fine. :cool:

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(you can read the uptodate journal at mewsite, it is only uptodate to the point where they start writing on myspace, different thread for that one too or you can go to myspace and view it)


Yeah, I've had a bit of a read thru that thread, the Bo entries are really funny. They seem to mention being in the States quite a bit in the journal so I thought they might be reasonably well known over there.


You can get their Live in copenhagen dvd from odering on danish shops, or here: http://www.evil-office.net/shop


Thanks for the link - I might have to build myself up to treating myself at some point soon. :D


^ same. i only heard of them when apparatjik was formed. and i've never heard them mention here before.


I heard Mew first during one of the xfm residency shows last summer. It was good enough to make me check out their myspace page. Once I'd heard Ferreting

though I knew I was going to have to listen to a lot more of their music, so

I picked up Kites and Frengers on ebay for a three or four pounds each in the end. I love musical bargains !! :D

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Those are quite good bargains. And I will do the same. I haven't gotten it yet as I keep forgetting the link...but...but it is alright. i willttreat myself to it as a belated bday present today. :)


And yes, bo's quite the read. ^^

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No, I haven't.....*goes to check*


hey all,




as you might havve readde, theres a title for our new record. some sneaky frengers saw it coming in the last post by the truely and yes the title is long and wonderful but that shouldnt keep anyone from reciting it out loud in various rythms, speeds and voices.



No more stories

Are told today

I'm sorry

They washed away


No more stories

The world is grey

I'm tired

Let's wash away








hope all is wonderful, see all frengers this summer and fall.





hahahaha Bo


He needs some english writing lessons - I'd be up for the job :wink3:

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He speaks english fine. I think it's cute. He was quite tired I think. It was about 9 in the morning or sooner when he posted that. As Jonas said in a journal about himself. He is not good at waking up early. Early for Jonas is 9am so... I don't know. I'd assume. Bo talks fine in interviews. Hmm... He's sexy. OT but yes..very true. :p

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rereading, writing i think he does fine. i just think he's one of THOSE people, who probably does not mind. as jonas types/write the language perfectly. bo over the years hasnt changed anything lol. i like it. you can tell his typing apart from jonas' and silas' even their tour crew when they write to us. and when they message you back on myspace or email and dont leave a name... you can tell by their diction. :)

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Oh yeah, they all speak english perfectly, I saw an interview where Bo says they learnt English from the age of six or so. He probably can write it as well as he speaks it, but like you say, he probably just doesn't care about getting it correct and perfect.


I love how they update the blog themselves, there's not a lot of bands that would bother doing that...and they answer pms and emails personally...? ...wow!


I'm no good with mornings either...I'm a total night owl...so I get where they're coming from..:dozey:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Kuds_3r5Og]YouTube - Mew Interview (Finland)[/ame]


I know it's an oldish one but ^heehee "We're here to paaarty" :wink3:

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as am I. The sun comes out and on nights when I do actually get sleep... I don't wnat to move an inch. :)


In denkmark kids learn danish from age 6 in school.


and yes, as theyve mentioned in their journals, apologies for not being able to reply always.

and frengers have posted messaged from myspace where they have written back. bo and jonas write most of the journal. silas the magic car (aka drummer) is very quite, rarely posts so i would not expect him to write anything. bo and jonas even did a live chat for their lable before. too bad i was not into mew ( or even knew of them) back then. i so wouldve talked to them. anyhoo... on the mew best looking pictures thread, someone posts a pic of jonas and his friend who is a filmmaker (he posted a pic on his myspace page, he's a top friend on their site) and it was jonas with a dark coloured bunny in his lap. someone posted a message jonas sent to them.



here it is:



I'd be happy too! Here goes:


Thankyou so much!

hmm well I'll try and not be predictable and instead of just saying thankyou I will instead tell you about my friends rabbit. It's name is Bjorn and its really cute (its a male, Bjorn means bear in Danish). I kinda wish it was my rabbit. But I would never be able to take care of it the life I lead. Anyways, he's a bluish black and very soft and sometimes he gets sad and wont eat anything.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Come see us on tour!


Ok let me give some explanation for all this. In my message, after saying all sorts of compliments i said "well that was utterly predictable" that sparked one of their imaginations to create such a reply.



piccy: http://i43.tinypic.com/2qnyrt2.jpg




video: i wish they uploaded better quality and the whole thing. mew frnegers need to be like apparat-chicks and dl everything. grrr. anyway... ^^ :p

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lol @ bunny photo/story...awww Jonas = so cute :D


Yeah, there's nowhere near enough really good interviews on youtube...or if there is I can't find them...


I'll have to let the music do the talking instead...:D


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JVUvC74D8w]YouTube - Mew - comforting sounds[/ame]


^and it doesn't get much better than that..wow!

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Truthfully? I find it kinda sad. Poor baby Bo Rune Madsen.




At least Jonas Bjerre Terkelsbøl is still good looking. hey girlies? What do you think of their former bassist Johan H. Wohlert (who left in 2006 to have a baby with his gf from Swan Lee)

and their current touring bassist Bastian Juel? What about Silas Utke Graae Jørgensen the drummer? :)


I used their full names because I talk too much... any excuse at all to post Mew facts. Shameful, really.

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It is very good. Oh, and paula i found you on lastfm. you joined the mew group :D


Yup, this is me http://www.last.fm/user/squareone13 - add me so I can see you too :D


and you should join the Apparatjik group too...and the secret facebook group if you use fb - I have to get a plug in for the groups whenever i can[/offtopic]


Anyway back on topic - I like Bo with the long 80's metal band hair :lol: though he does look better with it short but I gotta agree the 'tache is too creepy.


and Lauren, yup Kites = And the Glass Handed Kites, don't they just have the best album titles..:lol:

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frengers - singer jonas made a cartoon about two figures that wernet quite friends or stranges

andtheglasshandedkites -about figures that they work wih/veryrandom

nomorestores- we'll soon know i guess

atriumphforman... eh idk

halftheworldiswatchingme- forgot... the song (bside) of the same title would explain it much better

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Truthfully? I find it kinda sad. Poor baby Bo Rune Madsen.




At least Jonas Bjerre Terkelsbøl is still good looking. hey girlies? What do you think of their former bassist Johan H. Wohlert (who left in 2006 to have a baby with his gf from Swan Lee)

and their current touring bassist Bastian Juel? What about Silas Utke Graae Jørgensen the drummer? :)


I used their full names because I talk too much... any excuse at all to post Mew facts. Shameful, really.


i think they are all very good looking.

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