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sad songs

phil b

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ok then... which songs hit you where it hurts? haha... these ones have often made me shed a tear...


im going for a top 5 format again ;) :p


in no particular order


joy division - love will tear us apart


When routine bites hard

and ambitions are low

And resentment rides high

but emotions won't grow

And we're changing our ways,

taking different roads

Then love, love will tear us apart



Why is the bedroom so cold

Turned away on your side?

Is my timing that flawed,

our respect run so dry?

Yet there's still this appeal

That we've kept through

our lives

Love, love will tear us apart again


Do you cry out in your sleep?

All my failings exposed

Get a taste in my mouth

As desperation takes hold

Is it something so good

Just can't function no more?

When love, love will tear us apart



yo la tengo - tears are in your eyes


You tell me summer's here

and the time is wrong

You tell me winter's here

And your days are getting long


Tears are in your eyes



You tell me that you haven't slept in days

You tell me sleeping only makes your tired anyway


Tears are in your eyes



Although you don't beleive me, you are strong

Darkness always turns into the dawn

And you won't even remember this for long

When it ends alright


Please tell me how you know tomorrow staring at your shoes


Tears are in your eyes

Every night


radiohead - true love waits


I'll drown my beliefs

To have you be in peace

I'll dress like your niece

To wash your swollen feet


Just don't leave, don't leave


And true love waits

In haunted attics

And true love wins

On lollipops and crisps


Just don't leave, don't leave


I'm not living

I'm just killing time

Your tiny hands

Your crazy kitten smile


Just don't leave

don't leave


snow patrol - if i found the right words to say


Right about now if I'd found the right words to say

I'd tell you you're safe and take hold of your hand

I'll be there by your side for the rest of your life

Our bodies could fall off the edge of the world


Something told me we'd be happy forever

I don't see how this could change any of that

I will follow your ghost as it climbs up the rock-face

And lie with you there on the grass above


And I'd like to change all this

And I'd like to wake up from this

By your side


How did we ever survive for this length of time

Living with only a care for one thing

But the light that shines from her

whenever she's happy Is worth every minute

that we've saved ourselves


Maybe there's hope in just one final second

A flash of her love as she waves us goodbye

Don't torture yourself with what we might have given

We did everything that we could have done


And I'd like to change all this

And I'd like to wake up from this

By your side


sparklehorse - sea of teeth (just because it's so beautiful)


can you feel the wind of venus on your skin?

can you taste the crush of a sunset's dying blush?

stars will always hand in summer's bleeding veils


can you feel the rings of saturn on your finger?

can you taste the ghosts who shed their creaking hosts?

but seas forever boil, trees will turn to soil


stars will always hand in summer's bleeding veils

but seas forever boil, trees will turn to soil

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awww..cheer up Vin!!


I'd have to say "Your Sweet Voice" by The Reindeer Section. I heard it and i literally cried. I don't even know why...


Your Sweet Voice


You sweet voice

Lets me know there is a choice

Please me slow

Oh, Much more slowly than that


And when we danced

We danced warm cheek to cold cheek

A sideways glance

I knew you were looking at him


I can't call you a friend

Cause when you left me here

You left me here to die

Don't worry I wont call you again

Cause when I take a hint

I take it pretty hard

And when you broke my heart

you broke it into shards of glass


The telephone yells out

At me to wake

I won't be blamed

For someone else's mistakes

It's your sweet voice

Sounding cheery and warm

It breaks my heart

But I summon up all my charm


Can I call you my friend?

It's been so long

Since we have talked

and I miss you

Don't worry I'm over you right now

So my feelings wont get in the way of it

Oh, I miss the way we talked

about the little things


Hmmm..i know there's more sad songs, i know.

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Mothers Of The Disappeared by U2



Midnight, our sons and daughters

Were cut down and taken from us.

Hear their heartbeat

We hear their heartbeat.


In the wind we hear their laughter

In the rain we see their tears.

Hear their heartbeat, we hear their heartbeat.


Night hangs like a prisoner

Stretched over black and blue.

Hear their heartbeats

We hear their heartbeats.


In the trees our sons stand naked

Through the walls our daughter cry

See their tears in the rainfall.


sort of depressing.


Motion Picture Soundtrack is the most depressing song I've ever heard.

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Mothers of the disappeared... being Argentinian, it hurts...


'Mother' by John Lennon is the one that most gets me... I think of it as the most sincerely sang tune I've ever heard, the way the man screams in the end, calling his mother... oooh it brings tears to my eyes.


Then I would name

'Goodbye Blue Sky' by Pink Floyd

'Sparks' by Coldplay

'How to Disappear Completely ' by Radiohead

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Sad Song


Sing a sad song

In a lonely place

Try to put a word in for me

It's been so long

Since I found this place

You better put in two or three

We as people, are just walking 'round

Our heads are firmly fixed in the ground

What we don't see

Well it can't be real

What we don't touch we cannot feel


Where we're living in this town

The sun is coming up and it's going down

But it's all just the same at the end of the day

And we cheat and we lie

Nobody says it's wrong

So we don't ask why

Cause it's all just the same at the end of the day

We're throwing it all away

We're throwing it all away

We're throwing it all away at the end of the day


If you need it

Something I can give

I know I'd help you if I can

If your honest and you say that you did

You know that I would give you my hand

Or a sad song

In a lonely place

I'll try to put a word in for you

Need a shoulder? well if that's the case

You know there's nothing I wouldn't do


Where we're living in this town

The sun is coming up and it's going down

But it's all just the same at the end of the day

When we cheat and we lie

Nobody says it's wrong

So we don't ask why

Cause it's all just the same at the end of the day


Don't throw it all away

Don't throw it all away

Don't throw it all away

Don't throw it all away

Throwing it all away

Throwing it all away

Throwing it all away


Throwing it all away

Throwing it all away

You're throwing it all away at the end of the day

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laura- reindeer section are brilliant... have you heard 'will you please be there for me?' ? that's my favourite, it's on their first album...


do you like snow patrol?


PHIL B!! Bless your sweet sweet heart!! hahaha..I started a Reindeer Section thread waay back and only like 3 people knew about them!! hahaha...


I LOOOVE the reindeer section!! I have their 2 albums and they're awesome!! They were really hard to find, like $30 for each of the cds, but they're great!! Snow Patrol Rocks!!!! :D


YAY another Reindeer section fan!! :lol:

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laura- reindeer section are brilliant... have you heard 'will you please be there for me?' ? that's my favourite, it's on their first album...


do you like snow patrol?


PHIL B!! Bless your sweet sweet heart!! hahaha..I started a Reindeer Section thread waay back and only like 3 people knew about them!! hahaha...


I LOOOVE the reindeer section!! I have their 2 albums and they're awesome!! They were really hard to find, like $30 for each of the cds, but they're great!! Snow Patrol Rocks!!!! :D


YAY another Reindeer section fan!! :lol:


i love 'em.... excellent live too!

i love snow patrol even more though... gary lightbody is a genius, and one hell of a goodlooking one too...

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Oh shoot!! You saw them live?? ARGH!! I wanna see them! I reckoned they'd rock!! Snow Patrol is fantastic, Lighbody has probably the best voice. It just kills me whenever i hear him.


Your Sweet Voice always makes me cry and You Are My Joy is the best video!! :D

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YO LA TENGO RULE!!!!!!!!!!!


and hey hey.. reindeer section do too! that vid for you are my joy is classic!!!!

it was really funny too when i first saw it cuz i was talking to cock gal and i was like aaw thats so cool...

IM THE ONE WITH THE PURPLE HAT!! (cuz purples my fav color) and then she pretended she was the pinker puppet and it was really funny WHEN THEY STARTED MAKING OUT!! AHAHAHAHAHA

i took it back that i was the purple dude

so sad at the end .. :(

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4am by Our Lady Peace!


I walked around my good intentions

and found that there were none

I blame my father for the waisted years

we hardly talked

I never thought I would forget this hate

then a phone call made me realize I'm wrong


and if I don't make it known that I loved you all along

just like sunny days that we ignore because

we're all dumb and jaded

then I hope to God I figure out what's wrong


walked around my room not thinking

just sinking in this box

I blame myself for being too much like

somebody else

I never thought it would just end this way

but then a phone call made me realize I'm wrong.

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