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Whats gunna happen to this place once LP4 comes out?


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I joined in 06 and didn't start posting until 07, so this is the first time i will be here while really anything coldplay is going on.


Whats going to happen here? is everyone going to make a thread about how they feel about the new album? Where will i be able to find everything i want to be? won't it be really crowded?:thinking::thinking::thinking:


Will there be a lot of new members? i kinda hope not, i like the coldplaying community right now. I got some good friends here, don't really need any more for now.:smug:

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Everything goes mental. Noobs show up, oldies complain that it wasn't like it was in the old days, whatever new group the new sound/marketing campaign attracted take up residence, while a few regulars who either don't like the new sound or don't like the crowding on the board disappear. The Coldplay section gets really noisy for a few months, and the regulars hunker down in the lounge where business continues as usual. Eventually everything slows down and then peters off into next to nothing when the tour ends. The girly girls fade away or grow up and some of the refugees slowly come back. Regulars who were whining about the crowding and noobs start once again whining that nothing ever happens and there's nothing to talk about just like they always used to. Eventually new album details start to leak out and the whole thing starts over again. :dozey:


Wash, rinse, repeat.


I'm sort of looking forward to the craziness... last summer was so slow I didn't even post for weeks at a time. I like fun summers.

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Everything goes mental. Noobs show up, oldies complain that it wasn't like it was in the old days, whatever new group the new sound/marketing campaign attracted take up residence, while a few regulars who either don't like the new sound or don't like the crowding on the board disappear. The Coldplay section gets really noisy for a few months, and the regulars hunker down in the lounge where business continues as usual. Eventually everything slows down and then peters off into next to nothing when the tour ends. The girly girls fade away or grow up and some of the refugees slowly come back. Regulars who were whining about the crowding and noobs start once again whining that nothing ever happens and there's nothing to talk about just like they always used to. Eventually new album details start to leak out and the whole thing starts over again. :dozey:


Wash, rinse, repeat.


I'm sort of looking forward to the craziness... last summer was so slow I didn't even post for weeks at a time. I like fun summers.


Haha that's sad and funny at the same time. Sad because that's actually the way it will be.


The good thing is that i don't really go to the coldplay section so there's a chance that i won't see many newbies around.. Of course some of them are brave and come to the lounge too but most of them are somewhere else

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Ha, that's exactly how I started, posted in the Coldplay section amidst the AROBTTH hype, did all the newbie things "OMG is he going out with her?!" etc. :P


Took me about a year to start posting regularly in the lounge, it's a really intimidating place for a newbie.

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Ha, that's exactly how I started, posted in the Coldplay section amidst the AROBTTH hype, did all the newbie things "OMG is he going out with her?!" etc. :P


Took me about a year to start posting regularly in the lounge, it's a really intimidating place for a newbie.


it is really :\:embarassed:


and Zeoir thanks for using the word "brave" I feel more confident now :P.. well not really !

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Ha, that's exactly how I started, posted in the Coldplay section amidst the AROBTTH hype, did all the newbie things "OMG is he going out with her?!" etc. :P


Took me about a year to start posting regularly in the lounge, it's a really intimidating place for a newbie.


Haha well i was posting mainly in the coldplay section and in the game threads.


And that's true too.. the lounge might be a bit scary place at first. It was for me for sure! And it might be hard to get to know to other coldplayers


it is really :\:embarassed:


and Zeoir thanks for using the word "brave" I feel more confident now :P.. well not really !



No problem! I really think it's kind of a brave thing to do. It's like going into a room full of people you don't know but they all know each other and just start chatting with them.

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