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David Fonseca


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post 200 of this thread and first article i see on Spanish Press about DF :smug2:


David Fonseca respira tranquilo. El escenario, a veinte metros del camerino, y miles de fans al otro lado del foso. Sin embargo, el griterío no va con él, sino con Keane, la famosa banda británica que telonea. En España es un desconocido. En su tierra, Portugal, no puede salir a la calle. De entre sus viajes, ha prometido volver a un país.







¿Y ese lugar es...?

Jamaica. Me encanta su cultura. Es muy musical. Estuve allí casi por casualidad. Un día comiendo con mi mujer dije: "Deberíamos ir a Jamaica".

¿Sol y playa?

Viajamos como turistas, pero nos dirigimos al interior. Visitamos cuatro ciudades; Kingston, por supuesto... Hubo mucho más monte que playa. El viaje resultó muy musical.

Siendo usted músico...

¡Claro! Recuerdo a la gente. Se nos contagió su ritmo: los jamaicanos viven el momento. No planean nada. De pronto por la calle uno se encontraba con un músico, empezabas a hablar y acababas tocando con él... Cuando les decía que era músico profesional, enloquecían. Y quedábamos en algún garito...

¿A eso se refería con vivir el momento?

Sí. Los jamaicanos caminan por la acera soleada. Tocábamos por el mero hecho de tocar. Daba igual que hubiera diez personas en un local. Todo era improvisado. Nos salía una canción tras otra, con ese toque reggae o dubb. No es mi estilo. Le ocurre como al fado portugués: sólo lo puedes tocar bien si lo llevas en la sangre.





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He has given an interview on a portuguese programme called: Só Visto.


Sorry the vid is not online yet, i mean all i could get is a link from the tv site which features the whole programme so the interview is interrupted by some other reports...



anyways that's the link. For me the connection is very slow specially on the interview part so i hadn't had listened it as i'd like to.. analysing and all that but well... i'll try to listen it later and give a better comment about here.


the interview obviously is in portuguese. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I did posted the two albums link download on this thread and made another thread too, here.


I did posted the 4 vids that they released here too. :)


I'd like to get Coliseu concert CD too. :smug2:


The CDs aren't difficult to find on music stores there in Portugal btw. :)

But here that's not possible :bigcry: (Spain).

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:nice:thanks! its a pitty that u cant get CD's easily:(

I got to know very recently that Silence 4 played in Madrid, although i'm not so sure of that... but as far as i know the albums hadn't been released here :(


and as they have refused to make a 10th anniversary come back them will never be released here i fear. :cry:


but i got them when i've been there last year, and Humanos DVD



I couldn't buy David's first solo album and it hadn't been released here either, nor was on sale on his concert in Galileo.


I hope he'll come to play here this summer. :wacky:


btw he'll be on some special xmas show there soon on Contemporaneos.


the first DVD edition has a mistake on track Who are You?, it happen to show the Hold Still image, or the other way round :confused:

they are re-editing it for next January.

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oh, ok:) i hope u really can see him:nice:im glad too see that David has so many fans:nice:he's lovely:Pand very talented, he really deserves more than some fans in Portugal...!


I agree with you :nice:


Lucky i went to Portugal last year and got to know about his music, the most talented artist there. Really funny and kind man. :nice:


You are lucky to have artists like him. :cool4:


I did met him back in May in a concert in his city. :dance: Great man.


Have you meet him already? How many concerts have you've been to?

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no, i've never met him...! but, gosh, i would LOVE to:D i'd only go to a concert:( but it was great:dance:

I'm sure you'll meet him :nice:


Dani has met him in Corroios. :nice:


I did met him in Leiria, as i went with people from his board, and we talked with him at the end (more them than I, as I was so :surprised: that i couldn't talk :embarassed: )

and i saw him on his first concert here in Spain. :dance: 7th november.

but i couldn't talk to him this time.. :(


but i met his bassist at the entrance some hours before the gig :wacky:

and we talked with Rita later. :D


It was so funny to listen him talking spanish. :nice:

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I'm sure you'll meet him :nice:


Dani has met him in Corroios. :nice:


I did met him in Leiria, as i went with people from his board, and we talked with him at the end (more them than I, as I was so :surprised: that i couldn't talk :embarassed: )

and i saw him on his first concert here in Spain. :dance: 7th november.

but i couldn't talk to him this time.. :(


but i met his bassist at the entrance some hours before the gig :wacky:

and we talked with Rita later. :D


It was so funny to listen him talking spanish. :nice:

OMG that's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so u got speechless huh? i would too:wink3:*dreams*

sorry about the late replying but i just didnt remember this thread till seeing my WindowsMediaPlayer library now xP u can imagine why:rolleyes:

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yep :embarassed: i was speechless, they told me he use to met them all after the gigs and i thought... that might be like a tale.. :uhoh: but no, they were right, he came and talked with us for like 15 mins, took pics, talked and we even left the venue from the entrance where the artist get there :cheesy: i can't believe my luck then.


no problem for late reply, have you seen his xmas vid message? :D

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ari, do david fonseca has english songs? may i listen to it? you can give me a link by youtube.. im about searching influences because sometimes im bored with the song that i used to play it several times and now im trying to find something new :nice:, thanks!

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ari, do david fonseca has english songs? may i listen to it? you can give me a link by youtube.. im about searching influences because sometimes im bored with the song that i used to play it several times and now im trying to find something new :nice:, thanks!

as far as i know all his songs are in english, most them have been posted on this thread. :thinking:


(he only has like 4 songs in portuguese i think :thinking: (3 them with his first band, and that is if we don't count on his Humanos time where but for 2 songs he sung all them in portuguese.)


you can try listen his last album, some fan has uploaded the songs on youtube, btw the fan vid for Dreams In Colour is amazing. :sunny:


it'll be more difficult to get the songs from his first solo album :\ but is a good one too, kind more complex, more different sounds imo.

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that depend on the mood i am...


according to my lastfm the song i've heard most are:

top of the top:

this raging light

i see the world through you

silent void

come into my heart

4th chance


top last 3 months:

U Make me Believe

^there's nothing of this song on youtube yet :(


top 6 months:

our hearts will beat as one

cold heart


Who are you?

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that depend on the mood i am...


according to my lastfm the song i've heard most are:

top of the top:

this raging light

i see the world through you

silent void

come into my heart

4th chance


top last 3 months:

U Make me Believe

^there's nothing of this song on youtube yet :(


top 6 months:

our hearts will beat as one

cold heart


Who are you?

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sorry i did posted the answer twice. :embarassed:


btw i think i've said it here... David opened a contest in which he will give a poster that appears on the vid: Superstars that are of his property.


he has chosen the 6 winners.


the contests contisted on sending a pic in which the person that appears is jumping (so not touching the ground) with some xmas message.


i'll post the pics later. :D


btw he is running an auction to which he will give his jacket and other things he used for the Coliseu dos Recreios concert. :dance:



and so good that you liked it Afi. :nice:

that song (I see the world through you) was written to his lil son. :kid:

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI3z1c53J4g]YouTube - Salvem os ricos (contemporâneos) www.arrastao.org[/ame]

^is part of a xmas special comedy show (i think) called: Contemporâneos


he appears not a lot.


the song is in portuguese and the lyrics aren't his, in fact i don't know who has written the lyrics.

the song is about the economical crisis and the bank crashes.

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