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Everyone's Favorite Thread!


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Quick, everyone list your favorite:


1. Band of all time

2. Song of all time

3. TV show of all time

4. Movie of all time

5. Book of all time


If theres mor than one, list all you can!



for me currently it will be like that:


1. Pink Floyd

2. Is anybody out there?

3. Once upon a time...the inventors

4. 3 godfathers.

5. La colmena by Camilo José Cela.

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Quick, everyone list your favorite:


1. Band of all time

2. Song of all time

3. TV show of all time

4. Movie of all time

5. Book of all time


If theres mor than one, list all you can!



1. erm... coldplay?

2. Don't Panic

3. The Office

4. Just Friends

5. i am inclined to say "Bible" as i cannot think of anything eslse

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1. Muse

2. Ruled By Secrecy / Take a Bow / Apocalypse Please - Muse

AROBTTH / One I love / Politik - Coldplay

3. Burn Notice / HEROES!

4. 28 Days Later / MEN IN BLACK

5. Ruled By Secrecy - Jim Marrs / A Brief History in Time

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This time I'll make an exception and write only one favourite thing under each category :D


1. Radiohead

2. Idioteque

3. Friends

4. Amélie

5. let's say The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, can't think of any other book :P

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