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Coldplay to be a faithful band (and drunk)


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There's a news entry for which concerts in Norway you shouldn't have missed. Coldplay's intimate concert from Bergen, Norway, were one of them.


Translated text from norwegian:


"Coldplay were booked by Garage(a very small concert house/pub) in Bergen, Norway, before the breakthrough. But sadly the breakthrough came before the concert date, and it were cancelled due to a bigger tour. Coldplay are obviously a band that keep their word and also have a good conscience, and a new date were set.


- The guys in Coldpaly were unbelievable drunk, because the guitar technician had celebrated his birthday, told Martin Holst,responsible for the booking of Garage on that time. "


The postponed gig were held November 30th 2000 Garage, Bergen.





Original text:

"Coldplay ble booket av Garage i Bergen før gjennombruddet. Dessverre kom gjennombruddet før konserten ble holdt, og den ble avlyst siden de da dro på en større turne. Coldplay er tydeligvis et band som holder ord og har samvittighet, og det ble satt en ny dato.


- Gutta i Coldplay var forferdelig fyllesyke fordi gitarteknikeren hadde feiret bursdag, forteller Martin Holsts, bookingansvarlig for Garage den gangen."


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i loved this band because they're veggies and non drinkers and smokers.

they do for charity,good work and despite having families will not show up all times on road.They'll be like all others.


But now my hope got lost completely with their new damn habbits.

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