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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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hi crests :dance:


you know youre addicted to coldplay when you absolutely promise yourself you will go to wembley or some amazingly big european concert when they go on tour next time :wacky:



omg amy youre so lucky... i feel terrible :cry:

i hate getting sick i get it the worst... im not getting better yet :bigcry: and its not even like i can stay home from school. :bigcry:



oh Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!:hug:Im sure you will get better or be atleast good enough for school tomorrow!!!!!

:dozey:if I miss a day of school(I have block so 4 a day)it would be like missing 8 classes in one day:bigcry::bigcry::(

:hug:dont worry!!!!!

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oh Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!:hug:Im sure you will get better or be atleast good enough for school tomorrow!!!!!

:dozey:if I miss a day of school(I have block so 4 a day)it would be like missing 8 classes in one day:bigcry::bigcry::(

:hug:dont worry!!!!!

aww thanks :nice::hug: i hope soooo

i used to have block scheduling last year so i understand :rolleyes:

i could only miss 8 days before they kicked me out...


:shifty: i missed 7 :whistle:



:laugh3:same here!!!!

:Pand then Caitlyn you and I can all go to UCL with SalEd!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D

EEEE :dance:

:rolleyes: oh god... there i go again :shame:

:wacky: i love traveling

omg i wanna study history like chris :wink3:

well actually ive liked history for a while, and finding out chris went to school for it... :stunned: i freaked out in class... :rolleyes:

now my teacher knows my motivation :cool4:

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aww thanks :nice::hug: i hope soooo

i used to have block scheduling last year so i understand :rolleyes:

i could only miss 8 days before they kicked me out...


:shifty: i missed 7 :whistle:




:laugh3::laugh3:the most days I missed EVER was two:smart:how come they changed back to regular??:thinking::lol:



EEEE :dance:

:rolleyes: oh god... there i go again :shame:

:wacky: i love traveling

omg i wanna study history like chris :wink3:

well actually ive liked history for a while, and finding out chris went to school for it... :stunned: i freaked out in class... :rolleyes:

now my teacher knows my motivation :cool4:


:dance::dance::dance::dance:trust me I LOVE traveling too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:wink3:yes your motivation!!!!

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