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28-Sep-2008: Hallenstadion, Zurich - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos


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Welcome to the thread for the above concert which can be used for all discussion prior to, during and after the gig.


One thread one concert - should hopefully keep everyone organised and up-to-date with Coldplay on the road.


Did you get tickets?

Are you looking for tickets?

Are you looking for ticket swaps?

Need help/directions on getting to the concert?

Not sure what the arrangements and rules are for the particular venue is?

Are you just bloody excited?

Do you have a review for the concert?

Did you take any pictures... share them here!







Life In Technicolor

Violet Hill


In My Place

Speed Of Sound

Cemeteries Of London

Chinese Sleep Chant


Fix You

Strawberry Swing

God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (techno version)

Talk (partial - techno version)

The Hardest Part (piano - Chris)

Postcards From Far Away (piano instrumental)

Viva La Vida


The Scientist (acoustic)

Death Will Never Conquer (acoustic - Will singing)

Viva La Vida (remix interlude)



Lovers In Japan

Death And All His Friends



The Escapist






Wiki reviews







Life In Technicolor




Violet Hill






[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7a-43ve79Q&feature=user]YouTube - Colplay LIVE @ Hallenstadion Zurich So 28.Sept[/ame]


In My Place


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73KrJLrOiRg]YouTube - In My Place - Coldplay[/ame]


Speed Of Sound


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V33MtXqx4Vo]YouTube - Speed of Sound - Coldplay[/ame]


Cemeteries Of London


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdBf5o1269o]YouTube - Colplay LIVE @ Hallenstadion Zurich So 28.Sept[/ame]


Chinese Sleep Chant








Fix You




Strawberry Swing




God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (techno version)




Talk (partial - techno version)




The Hardest Part (piano - Chris)




Postcards From Far Away (piano instrumental)




Viva La Vida








The Scientist (acoustic)


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boEbKkX9hwQ]YouTube - Colplay LIVE @ Hallensatidon So28.Sept[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c1hIBsF-To]YouTube - Coldplay - The Scientist (live Hallenstadion Zurich)[/ame]


Death Will Never Conquer (acoustic - Will singing)




Viva La Vida (remix interlude)










[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVNOCvIvYTE]YouTube - Politik - Coldplay[/ame]


Lovers In Japan


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWZ5_F4FsHI]YouTube - coldplay lovers in japan/reign of love (unbelievably)[/ame]


Death And All His Friends










[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6ATBoO9tH4]YouTube - Coldplay live in Zürich - Yellow[/ame]


The Escapist





Coldplaying Charity Club Tour Merchandise. All proceeds go to Oxfam Unwrapped.








Check out the shop for more items and other colours.

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Same thing... It's a normal thing with Ticketcorner you know... How to make business... and 10 chf delivery... I don't believe one second that all the standings tickets were sold out in 15 minutes... At ten' you could always see 2-3 standings tickets available... but impossible to catch on the net.... I will be in the standing area although in the Hallenstadion ;o)


It should be sold out very soon.

Great to see Coldplay again in Switzerland, even in Zurich for the third time :(

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No chance getting any tickets with that stupid ticketcorner website down :cry:

Had to go to school at 8:15 and couldn't try any further...

I think I should've called the hotline in the first place.

Ticketcorner generally sucks, Tictec is great (print-at-home, no fees etc.).


What happened to the exclusive ticket presales for Coldplay.com mailing list members?!

For their last Switzerland concert I could order them there, even though it wasn't necessary anyway, wasn't sold out within minutes back then.


Well, I'll check the auction websites over the next few months for some standing tickets...


A shame they're not playing at the Moon & Stars this year. But Hallenstadion is better than no concert at all..

Tickets for Munich would still be available, but they're even more expensive than the Swiss ones :shocked2: not to mention the travelling cost..


Come on Coldplay, throw in a second Switzerland concert at 27/09/08! :D

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Argh :( Sold out now yes. Wait a bit and you will find a ticket without problems i think (for the same price) ;).


Coldplay has never played in the french part of the country you know ;) vs 3 times in the ZzzZzZ Hallenstadion and one time at the Moon and Stars (brilliant).

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F...ck Ticket-Corner


I usually go to a small railway-station, where they have a Ticket-Corner. That always works. There might be 500 people at Ticket-Corner in Zurich Mainstation, in a small station there's usually nobody. Even got U2-Tickets for Elevation and Vertigo-Tours without any Problem.

They also can't fuck around there and tell you there are no tickets left, while there are still a lot that they want to get rid of with the extra-fee. Got standing AND seatig ticktes for coldplay also this time, was there at 7:30, but at 8:00 we were only two lonely (and happy) souls...


cu there in september


freuä mi wiä 'nä moore....

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[Oxfam Blog] Sunny Zurich.


Half an hour until the Oxfam volunteers arrive for campaigning at tonight’s Coldplay show. I’m sitting outside catching (possibly) some of the last rays of summer, in sunny Zurich. It’s important to catch your vitamin D from the sunshine you know.. especially when you work in the dim light of these indoor arenas all day. I have to admit (as I squint at the glare of the screen), the weather is making me wish we had an outdoor stadium show today!


If I stand up and peer over the fence, I can see the waiting crowds growing outside the arena gates. They are the lucky ones. I have seen fans waiting in heavy rain, icy gales and cracking thunder during this tour.. The band is here in 10 minutes. Here we go..



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The concert is over! :D







Coldplay boten Hitreigen im vollen Hallenstadion



Coldplay mit Frontmann Chris Martin zündeten gestern ein fulminantes Hitfeuerwerk. (Bild: Keystone)


Im Rahmen ihrer Welttournee machten Coldplay gestern Halt im Zürcher Hallenstadion. Die Fans wurden mit einem Hitfeuerwerk belohnt.



Kaum wurde im Mai bekannt, dass die britische Band der Stunde, Coldplay, für ein Gastspiel nach Zürich kommt, liefen bei den Vorverkaufsstellen schon die Drähte heiss. Innert zwei Minuten waren sämtliche Stehplätze ausverkauft, acht Minuten später konnte sich auch glücklich schätzen, wer noch einen Sitzplatz ergattert hatte.



Nach vier Monaten des Daraufhinfieberns wurden die 13  000 Fans gestern endlich erlöst: Um kurz nach neun Uhr enterte Frontmann Chris Martin mit seinen Bandkollegen die Bühne. Während den folgenden eineinhalb Stunden zündete das Quartett ein fulminantes Hitfeuerwerk, das neben den eher spröderen Songs des neuen Albums «Viva La Vida» auch alte Lieblinge wie «Clocks» und «Yellow» bot. Höhepunkt: «The Scientist» gaben sie auf der Tribüne mitten im Publikum zum Besten.












Sorry to bore you with these non English articles everytime, but I think it's not worth it to translate them. This article for example doesn't contain lots of information, but at least better than nothing. ;)

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CoL (poor video, good sound)


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdBf5o1269o]YouTube - Colplay LIVE @ Hallenstadion Zurich So 28.Sept[/ame]


Clocks (ditto)


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7a-43ve79Q&feature=user]YouTube - Colplay LIVE @ Hallenstadion Zurich So 28.Sept[/ame]


Walk of Shame:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boEbKkX9hwQ&feature=user]YouTube - Colplay LIVE @ Hallensatidon So28.Sept[/ame]

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Oh no, I've just found a German interview and it seems that Guy, Chris and Jonny don't feel good at the moment. :(


I just translated it!







Coldplay: «Mein Zuhause ist voller seltsamer Dinge»


Die Briten spielten gestern in Zürich. «.ch» sprach vor dem Konzert mit Guy Berryman.



Chris Martin ist erkältet, Gitarrist Jonny Buckland fühlt sich nicht gesund. Wie geht es Ihnen?

Guy Berryman: Ich bin auch erkältet. Wir sitzen jeden Tag im Flugzeug, die Klimaanlage läuft immer, dein Körper wird schwächer und schwächer. Wenn sich dann einer erkältet, steckt er alle anderen an.

Müssen Sie heute nach dem Konzert schon wieder weiterreisen?

Nein, wir übernachten in Zürich. Ich hoffe, dass ich morgen noch Zeit haben werde, ein bisschen durch die Stadt zu spazieren.

Sie stöbern gerne durch Antiquitätenläden, wenn Sie einen Tag frei haben auf Tournee.

Das stimmt. In Prag habe ich ein superschönes, altes Grammophon gefunden. Wenn man den knisternden Sound hört, ist es fast so, als ob man in der Zeit zurück reisen würde.


Und diese Einkäufe schleppen Sie dann mit durch ganz Europa?

Die kleinen Dinge schon. Wenn ich einen Tisch kaufe, lasse ich ihn natürlich nach Hause schicken.


Ihr Zuhause sieht bestimmt interessant aus.

Oh ja, es ist voller seltsamer Dinge.




Coldplay: "My home is full of strange things"


The British played in Zürich yesterday. ".ch" was talking with Guy Berryman before the concert.


Chris Martin has a cold, guitarist Jonny Buckland doesn’t feel healthy. How are you?

Guy Berryman: I’ve got a cold either. Every day we sit in an airplane, the air conditioning is always running, your body becomes weaker and weaker. If someone gets a cold then, he will infect the others as well.


Do you have to journey on once again just after finishing this concert?

No, we'll stay in Zurich. I hope that tomorrow I will have some time to walk a bit through the city.

You like to rummage through antiques shops, if you have a day off on tour.

That's true. In Prague, I’ve found a super nice, old gramophone. When you hear the crackling sound, it's almost as if you take a step back in time.

And you pick up these purchases throughout Europe?

Only the little things. If I buy a table, of course, I’ll send it home.


Your home looks interesting certainly.

Oh yes, it is full of strange things.



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